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Crash on Transform::GetTransformAccess when entering Play mode
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open the project attached by the user ("") 2. Open "SampleScene" Scene 3. Enter Play mode Re... Read more
[Improved Prefabs] Added components cannot be reordered on prefab instance
Steps: 1. Create and instantiate any prefab asset 2. Add two components to it ==> Both components are added with '+' sign 3. Select ... Read more
[Improved Prefabs] Exception appears while Prefab Asset replaced by its ...
Steps: 1. Add empty GameObject 'Root' and 'Cube' 2. Parent 'Cube' under the 'Root' 3. Make a prefab out of it 4. Open 'Root' in Pref... Read more
Can't load the scene template when it is in the Packages directory
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the user's attached project 2. Click on File > New Scene 3. Double-click on "My Custom Scene" Expected ... Read more
[Improved Prefabs] Mouse cursor flickers continuously on creating preset...
Mouse cursor flickers continuously on selecting a prefab from the project window of any unity primitive when its preset is created, ... Read more
Editor crashes with Transform::GetPosition when duplicating Prefabs with...
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open User-supplied project ("") 2. In the Hierarchy window, expand "Chaine" GameObject 3. Select... Read more
Prefab Variant Child has a lower Index than a Prefab Child when editing ...
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open the attached Project "case_1127653" 2. Navigate to Project -> Assets 3. Create a Variant of a "Base Pref... Read more
Frame stepping not working on Addressables operations
How to reproduce: 1. Open attached project "" 2. Open "SampleScene" scene 3. Enter Play Mode 4. Click the e... Read more
Editor crashes after redoing root GameObject deletion
Steps: 1. Have two GameObejcts in Hierarchy ("1" and "2") 2. Make "2" child of "1" 3. Delete "1" (the parent) 4. Undo 5. Redo ==> Ed... Read more
[Improved Prefabs] "Create empty child" takes into account the selection...
Steps: 1. Make a prefab asset out of any GameObject 2. Select it in Project browser 3. Click on "GameObject -> Create empty child" m... Read more
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- NullReferenceException when setting 'isTextObjectScaleStatic' to false on a disabled TextMeshPro GameObject
- Shader Stripping Custom Options disappear when exiting Play mode without reloading Domain
- Decals do not get projected when 'Rendering Layer Mask' on a GameObject is 23rd Layer or above due to encoding/decoding issues
- Deriving from SearchContextAttribute doesn't always work
- Scripting API documentation is missing for macOS editor extensions