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Editor crash after setting max distance to cloth constraints and playing...
To reproduce: 1. Create a cloth 2. Select all Cloth Constraints 3. Click the Max distance checkbox 4. Pressed play 5. Editor will c... Read more
Different parts of wheelcollider scale differently
To reproduce: 1. Open attached project 2. Open test.unity scene 3. Scale the Cube game object using X axis (red) Expected result: Wh... Read more
"Iamplayr" game suffers severe slowdown
-e: there are several minigames which suffer from severe slowdown -repro: --go to --account det... Read more
Request for more helpful NpShape::setFlag(s): triangle mesh and heightfi...
Request for more helpful NpShape::setFlag(s): triangle mesh and heightfield triggers error so people know what they need to change/f... Read more
SetInertiaTensor: Inertia spams tensor must be larger then zero in all c...
Running AngryBots on consoles/dev, which is based on trunk gets me this message: Inertia tensor must be larger then zero in all coo... Read more
Cloth crashes the editor
To reproduce: - create a game object - add SkinnedMeshRenderer component - add a standard mesh to it (like sphere) - add cloth compo... Read more
Bad textcoord index error after adding Cloth Component and entering play...
Steps to reproduce : - import the "Cloth_1.fbx" attached in the edit - add it to the scene - add the Cloth Component and press play... Read more
[OnTriggerStay] OnTriggerStay is not called on root RigidBody object whe...
To reproduce: 1. Open attached project 2. Run scene 3. Notice that OnTriggerStay doesn't get called Read more
[Colliders]When scaling GameObject, if a sub-GameObject has rotated coll...
To reproduce: 1. Open attached project 2. Open ScaleExplosion scene 3. Press play 4. Alternate pressing the 'B' and 'V' keys a few ... Read more
[Cloth] Surface penetration constraint for cloth doesn't work
How to reproduce: 1. Open attached project 2. Open scene bugreport.unity 3. Play the scene - Note how the cloth never passes throu... Read more
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Latest issues
- Unsupported Orient modes can be selected and throw errors when using Strip VFX
- "Tab" key exits the name text field in the VFX Graph tab when renaming the Property
- Shader warnings are thrown when deleting blocks in the Ribbon VFX Graph
- Shadow casters are not rendered when deploying builds in specific Unity 6.0 versions
- Automatically unfocuses when focusing and DropdownField is open