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Unity crashes if a script containing a custom inspector class is deleted
If a file containing a custom inspector class is deleted from the file system while an object in the editor is currently drawing the... Read more
Cannot drag and drop components from one game object to another
Steps to reproduce : - create two game objects - add a component to one of the objects - try to drag and drop it to the other compo... Read more
The Static option should behave like other drop down lists
The bug: The Static option should behave like other drop down lists - see the print screen Details: There's a check box, next to it... Read more
[HideInInspector] Script with HideInInspector hideFlags and [ExecuteInEd...
Script with HideInInspector hideFlags and [ExecuteInEditMode] attribute cannot be removed from gameobject after deleting it from the... Read more
Unity crashes when deleting a game object that is locked in the Inspecto...
To reproduce: 1. Open the project attached 2. Select gameobject "Player" 3. Lock one Inspector window 4. Delete the "Player" gameobj... Read more
public variable doesn't update value after adding [Range()]
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open attached project "" 2. Open "test" scene 3. Select "Cube" gameObject in the Hierarchy and look... Read more
[Curves] Can't highlight particle curve max value text field, text curso...
Repro steps: 1. Open Particles scene from attached project. 2. Select particle system and click on any curve (i.e. turn Start Life... Read more
Crash on Adding Component via Inspector Add Component button
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open attached Unity Project "" 2. Load Scene "Scene" 3. Select GameManager Game Object ... Read more
[Inspector] Can't set scene fields to scenes which has the same name as ...
Steps to reproduce: 1) open attached project 2) open scene 'main' 3) select 'HudComponent' from hierarchy and lock inspector 4) drop... Read more
ScrollView, Selectiongrid, Toolbar inside PropertyDrawer causes misalign...
Note, not technically a problem with PropertyDrawers but with GenericInspector (OptimizedGUIBlock) in general. Steps to reproduce :... Read more
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- [IL2CPP-GarbageCollector] Changing GCMode might permanently disable GC in a multithreaded context
- Crash on invalid_parameter_internal when starting Standalone Profiler