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Visual C# Compiler cannot find source files because it is looking at old...
To reproduce: 1. Open attached project. 2. Run test: Tests -> MoveFilesAround 3. Inspect console. Microsoft (R) Visual C# Compiler... Read more
Changing a prefab in a subscene does not trigger a reimport of the subscene
To reproduce: 1. Create a new subscene. 2. Create a cube in a scene and make it a prefab. 3. Move an instance of the subscene into t... Read more
Crash on mdb_txn_begin when SourceAssetDB has a lock on it from another ...
Steps to reproduce: 1. Create a new user or make sure you already have a secondary Windows user 2. Create a new project (possible to... Read more
[Asset Pipeline V2] AssetDatabase.FindAssets() with label filtering is ...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached '' project 2. Make sure that the project is using Asset Pipeline Version 2... Read more
Artifact dependency to an asset is not registered when reimporting some ...
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open the "TestScene" Scene in the user attached "AssetDependencyBug.7z" project 2. In the Console window pres... Read more
[ADBV2] AssetDatabase.Refresh causes Animator to become invalid when its...
How to reproduce: 1. Open user-submitted project ( 2. Open the SampleScene 3. Make sure LoadABAnimator i... Read more
AssetDatabase.V2.Refresh Occurs Twice when editing Assemblies
Reproduction steps: 1. Open attached project "My project" 2. Open Iteration Profiler by navigating to Window -> Analysis -> Editor I... Read more
Calling AssetDatabase.ImportAsset() on a prefab, while having a referenc...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached project 2. Go to top toolbar's BugTest->ScriptableObject Reference Test 3. Drag SOTest Asset ... Read more
[Cache Server] Cache Server icon doesn't get highlighted in unity taskba...
After establishing a connection for Cache Server (global), Cache Server gets connected but the icon doesn't get highlighted on unity... Read more
Unity leaks memory/crashes when trying to open a project with a broken p...
Steps to reproduce: 1. Attempt to open the attached project in any of the reproducible versions ("") Reproducible with: ... Read more
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- Red spots appear when Blending Lighting Scenarios using Adaptive Probe Volumes
- [Windows] About Unity Window needs to be opened twice to adapt to resolution
- NullReferenceException and temporary graph corruption after entering playmode if output node connection was changed
- Sprite Renderer with Animation does not reflect Sprite changes in the Scene when switching Mask Interaction
- User is redirected to a non-existing online documentation link when clicking on "?" help button inside Inspector window while Animator Override Controller is selected