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Inconsistent behavior and artifacts appearing when object with Trail Ren...
To reproduce: 1. Open user's project 2. In Hierarchy window, select Cube object 3. Drag the Cube object off screen using move tool, ... Read more
[UNET] Local Player Authority(Client) removes Has Authority from the spa...
Steps to reproduce: 1) Download attached project and open in Unity 2) Build and Run project 3) In the Editor, press Play and create... Read more
[UI] [Layout Group] Layout Groups incorrectly sets its and its children ...
Reproduction Steps: 1. Open "Bug" project 2. Open "Bitmap_Font_Scale_Issue" scene 3. Noice that "Actual Result (when scaling a bitma... Read more
Error 'use of unassigned variable' is thrown in console only when an u...
Monodevelop and visual studio detect an error, yet Unity ignores it. Steps to reproduce: 1. Open attached project 2. Open "ElseBug.c... Read more
Graphics.Blit with camera rendering to texture not taking Tilling and Of...
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open user attached project (TilingIssues) 2. Open "test" scene 3. Select the "rt" render texture from the hie... Read more
[iOS] Editor crashes in "BuildReporting::BuildReport::UpdateSummary" whe...
Reproduction steps: 1. Create a new Unity project. 2. Go to player settings and switch platform to iOS. 3. Choose Run in Xcode as De... Read more
Crash Unity::Cloth::CreateRecreateIfNecessary when adding cloth to an em...
To reproduce: 1. Open attached Unity project "" 2. Create a new gameObject 3. Add Cloth component (sometimes Unity crashe... Read more
[iOS] [Google VR] GRSDK v1.60 for iOS displays view incorrectly if is st...
Reproduction Steps: 1. Open User's project 2. Build for iOS 3. Update GVR pods to 1.60 with CocoaPods 4. Build to iPhone 5. Click on... Read more
The game crashes on standalone build when using graphics jobs with a bun...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open project attached (Crash 2. Make a build 3. Play it. 4. Press A to enable particles. Expec... Read more
X509Store is empty in Unity, but has certificates in pure C# console app...
To reproduce: 1. Open the project, attached by tester ( 2. Open the "scene" scene 3. Open the TestScript 5. O... Read more
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- Red spots appear when Blending Lighting Scenarios using Adaptive Probe Volumes
- [Windows] About Unity Window needs to be opened twice to adapt to resolution
- NullReferenceException and temporary graph corruption after entering playmode if output node connection was changed
- Sprite Renderer with Animation does not reflect Sprite changes in the Scene when switching Mask Interaction
- User is redirected to a non-existing online documentation link when clicking on "?" help button inside Inspector window while Animator Override Controller is selected