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CharacterControllers do not trigger OnControllerColliderHit when they co...
There doesn't seem to be any way to detect CharacterController collision. Run the test scene. Use WASD to move the blue capsule. If... Read more
When the status bar is enabled and the keyboard is opened, the Unity vie...
When the status bar is enabled and the keyboard is opened, the Unity view is resized. This also happens when there is android:window... Read more
In-Unity spheres UV error on the top
The in-Unity spheres are not properly made. They have a UV error on the top. Put a complex material on your sphere, look at the top ... Read more
[Performance, Culling] Cameras with layer masks that exclude entire scen...
Could reproduce in Version 4.2.0a2 (d3a8d992e988). To reproduce: - Open attached project - Open and dock Profiler window - Launch "... Read more
Shadow bias broken for point lights
-repro: --import attached scene --select point light --change bias value via slider --see it has no effect --do the same with the d... Read more
Animator window doesn't do a select before displaying the popup menu
Create a state machine Select "Any State" Right click on an EMPTY part. - it displays the context menu for "any state" (Make tra... Read more
AssetPostprocessor - OnPostprocessAllAssets fires duplicate 'import' not...
AssetPostprocessor.OnPostprocessAllAssets fires two 'import' notifications for every dirty asset on 'Save Project'. Reproduce: 1) O... Read more
Pixel textures look blurry with directional light on
To reproduce: 1. Open project u_4_2_a2_reproProject_messedLookWhenLight 2. Build and run on iOS 3. Press on toggle night to turn on ... Read more
Fullscreen GUI issue in IE10 + MonkeyQuest.
Fullscreen GUI issue in IE10 + MonkeyQuest. Repro Steps: 1. Launch IE10 without WebPlayer installed 2. head to 3. ... Read more
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Latest issues
- UI Toolkit buttons stop receiving inputs when entering the new Scene while holding a button during Scene change
- VFX Graph tooltips have a double line on the bottom side
- TMP font size is "-99" by default when TMP Resources are not loaded
- VFX Graph Node Creation menu can't be navigated using only keyboard
- Universal 3D Sample template build throws RangeError: Array buffer allocation failed when launched on Chrome