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Unity gets stuck in the video player when the user unpluggs
If the user unplugs headphones while video player is playing, then it doesn't go back to the previous scene Read more
Unity ignores any C# script which which has a name that starts with 'Str...
To Reproduce: 1. Open a new project. 2. Create a script name it 'StreamingAssets***' e.g. 'StreamingAssetsSomething' or 'StreamingAs... Read more
ProjectSettings.assets can't be serialized
Error "Could not serialize text file projectsettings/projectsettings.asset because an error occured - we probably ran out of memory"... Read more
[InheritVelocity] A particle effect with Inherit Velocity set to anythin...
The project has a Particle System which has Inherit Velocity. The particle system is constantly started/stopped using Play and Stop ... Read more
Selecting two gameObjects crashes Unity if one of them has 'Components c...
To reproduce this issue: 1. Import case_619848 package 2. Open 'Library' scene 3. Select Dialog( Hallway Right - > Dialog Triggers ... Read more
Moving object in scene view when GI views are enabled throws errors
To reproduce: 1. Open attached project 2. Open test scene 3. Switch scene view from Textured to GI - Clustering 4. Start moving sphe... Read more
BounceThreshold reverts to two in play mode
To reproduce: 1. Open attached project 2. Open Settings scene 3. Open PhysicsManager (Edit -> ProjectSettins -> Physics) 4. Set the ... Read more
HingeJoint: Changing the maximum angular limit of the joint breaks minim...
To reproduce: 1. Create a hinge joint 2. Enable Limits 3. Open Limits fold out 4. Set min value to 50 5. Set max value to 60 Expect... Read more
HingeJoint documentation does not mention that Motor and
HingeJoint documentation does not mention that Motor and Spring support is mutually exclusive and that having them both enabled lead... Read more
Default Cylinder behaves like a Capsule
To reproduce: 1. Create a Cylinder in any project 2. Note that it starts with a Capsule collider Expected result: The Cylinder beha... Read more
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- Top and bottom color channels are swapped when lighting an object with Six Way Shader Graph in URP
- "Problem detected while importing the Prefab file" errors on Learning Templates import
- Crash on RaiseException during Socket.BeginConnect in Player when application connection is blocked through commercial firewall
- Decal Projector produces artifacts when the normal and decal are projected in negative z-direction and Normal Blend is set to 1
- Undoing slider field change only resets slider position, doesn't undo the value change