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Stencil buffer not working in WebGL
-e: as per title -repro: --build attached project for standalone --move camera around the test room and notice it's behavior --bui... Read more
In the inspector, per-channel editor dropdowns are invisible if the audi...
To reproduce this issue: 1. Open the attached project 2. Open 'test' scene 3. Play the scene 4. Select 'Bass' channel in the projec... Read more
When an object with a cloth component is selected, the Scene View's came...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached project 2. Open "ClothCameraIssue" scene (it has Sphere game object with Cloth component) 3.... Read more
Changing in inspector does not call OnValueChanged
Repro: 1. Open project from '' run, click the red checkbox, observe that 'testScript.cs' outputs a value in Console.... Read more
PointerEventData.clickCount is always equal to 1 in OnPointerClick()
To reproduce the bug: 1. Import clickCount package 2. Open 'scene' 3. Play the scene 4. Start clicking on the image 5. PointerEvent... Read more
On DirectX9,one-pixel offset appears and disappears as the image fill am...
To reproduce this bug: 1. Import 'hud' package 2. Open 'Town' scene 3. In Player's Settings(Edit->Project Settings->Player) disable... Read more
<GetComponent<SphereCollider>().isTrigger = true> crashes Unity on Windows
To reproduce this bug: 1. Open the attached project 2. Open 'Enemy attacking NPC' scene 3. Press play 4. Stop the scene 5. Unity cr... Read more
Unity 4.6 UI Fonts are blurry in DX9
To reproduce: 1. Open attached project 2. Open Font Test scene 3. Notice that text is nice and clean 4. Switch to DX9 (Edit -> Proj... Read more
There is no obsolete message for LightmapsMode.Directional (and Dual) an...
To Reproduce: 1. Import the attached package in b1. 2. Notice that `UnityEngine.LightmapsMode' does not contain a definition for `D... Read more
Japanese characters are not displayed when the new InputField on Mac
Steps to reproduce : - create a new project - create a new Input Field - change the language to Japanese - press play - start typin... Read more
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- Missing Render Feature "Full Screen Pass Render Feature" in any “Universal Renderer Data” asset when upgrading from 2022.3
- Inconsistent ParticleSystemVertexStream.PercentageAlongTrail data range in Trail Texture Modes except "Stretch"
- The Graph Debug Window can be right clicked through and the Node Workspace is manipulated instead
- [Linux] Top left corner of the screen is unresponsive when the Editor recompiles
- [Android] [Vulkan] Cubes stuck on the first few frames of rotation and application flickering when an Overlay Camera is added to the Camera Stack with MSAA enabled