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Open Project dialog doesn't allow to 'Enter' on pasted path
I used to open some projects with copying the path into clipboard and pasting it to Folder input inside Open Project dialog. But new... Read more
Reflection from point light doesn't look natural for shader's different ...
1) What happened Reflection from point light doesn't look natural for all shader's smoothness levels 2) How can we reproduce it usi... Read more
[Lighting window] Default parameters values aren't reflected in the main...
Steps to repro: 1. Open the lighting window and change the default parameter 2. Observe that doing so doesn't change the values in t... Read more
[Colliders 2D] Edge collider behaves differently from other colliders wh...
To reproduce: 1. Open attached project 2. Open EdgeCollider scene 3. Notice that there is object with Surface effector set to negati... Read more
[Terrain] Reflection probes do not affect Terrain
To reproduce this bug: 1. Open 'ShaderTest' project 2. Open 'scene' 3. It has a quad and terrain with the same material 4. Observe ... Read more
[WSA] Boo.Lang.dll fails on WACK
Regression from 5.0.0b12; At "C:\Program Files\Unity 5.0.0b12\Editor\Data\PlaybackEngines\metrosupport\Managed\Patched" Boo.Lang.dl... Read more
When broadcastmessage is called to an object, only some of the children ...
To reproduce: 1. Open attached project 2. Open main scene 3. Press play 4. Click Drill and practice 5. Drag and drop all sources int... Read more
[WSA] System.Collections.Generic.List<string> does not contain a definit...
Can't build the project to WSA platform, when compilation overrides is set to "Use Net Core"; Error in console: Assets\Main.cs(19,2... Read more
Linear Fog Start should not be allowed to be bigger than End
Setting Low to a higher value than End for Linear fog causes fog to render in unexpected ways. Read more
Text is cutoff in GI Cache section of Preferences window
Start a lightmpa baking process. While that is happening, go to Preferences, GI Cache and try to change the cache folder. You will g... Read more
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- Rigidbody2D.Slide API does not have the needed configuration when creating a 2D Top-Down character controller
- Opening reference for "Playables"component redirects to a missing page
- Sprite Renderer image is changed when switching Mask Interaction and changing Sprite to a shared Sprite
- An unsigned integer is not compared with an integer correctly in player when using IL2CPP backend
- Graphical artifacts are being rendered in Scenes that are loaded during run-time when GPU Resident Drawer is turned on