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Attempting to add same component twice crashes editor
To reproduce: 1. Create new project 2. Select Main Camera 3. Add second Camera component 4. Editor crashes Read more
[NativePlugin] Crash in native plugin does not generate crash stack trac...
To reproduce: Step 1) Open the attached unity project, and then the scene.unity Step 2) Select File/Build Settings... and confirm: W... Read more
The submenu GameObject -> UI is in the wrong position and is missing fro...
How to reproduce: 1. Open any project 2. Go to GameObject menu - Notice how the UI submenu is at the bottom and not grouped with t... Read more
Application.logMessageReceived: assignment deactivates on-screen errors ...
To reproduce: 1. Open reproScene.unity 2. Select File/Build & Run 3. Observe that no errors print on-screen in the standalone build... Read more
Realtime GI produces high contrast lighting at high resolutions
How to reproduce: 1. Open attached project 2. Open scene apartment.unity 3. Go inside the building 4. Set the Realtime Resolution o... Read more
[LOD] LODGroups flicker on and off when disabled
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open attached project's scene "Main". 2. Select LODGroup game object and make sure that LODGroup component is... Read more
[Texture] Texture.format returns wrong format string on mobiles
1. Open attached project 2. Build to iOS, Android or Windows Phone 3. In middle of screen there will be string which shows texture.f... Read more
Accessing .transform and .gameObject properties in a MonoBehaviour is st...
How to reproduce: 1. Open attached project 2. Open scene Main.unity 3. Open up the Profiler window 4. Play the scene 5. Modify the ... Read more
[WP8] Shader global params reset after each game pause
To reproduce: 1. Open attached project. It has a cube with a custom material and a script that sets a parameter in the shader 2. Bui... Read more
Platform icons are missing in Player Setting
To reproduce: 1. Create new project 2. Open Player settings 3. Notice that platform icons are missing and errors thrown in console Read more
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Latest issues
- [Android] [Vulkan] Cubes stuck on the first few frames of rotation and application flickering when an Overlay Camera is added to the Camera Stack with MSAA enabled
- Profiling information icon does not update for Light Mode
- [Linux] Type to select functionality is missing for drop down menus
- TextMeshPro calculates Width Compression incorrectly when using certain values in the WD% field
- VFX Graph link contrasts fail WCAG guidelines