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NullReferenceException if Undo.RevertAllInCurrentGroup() is used in OnSc...
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open my attached project "case_816355Test". 2. Enter play mode. 3. Exit play mode. ---In the console window "... Read more
[UWP] When running in DX12 mode application crashes if AA is disabled
Reproductions steps: 1. Open any project 2. Go to Quality Settings and disable Anti aliasing 3. Deploy to Universal 10 apps 4. Add ... Read more
Editor camera twitches/moves to the opposite direction when Hand-Move E...
Reproduction steps(GIF attached): 1. Open attached project. 2. Open "1" scene. 3. Select "Main cameraa" game object in the hierarchy... Read more
Mouse cursor over Unity 5.4 window disappears on MS Surface Book
When Unity 5.4 is running on MS Surface Book with touch support and if you open the editor and the project using ONLY touch, mouse c... Read more
sprite editor slice menu doesnt close after closing sprite editor
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open attached project 2. Select "Shadow02" sprite in assets 3. Set "Multiple" Sprite Mode 4. Click on Sprite ... Read more
Lightmap fails to bake and errors appear when creating lightmap system
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open attached project 2. Open scene "inter" 3. Build lightmap 4. Notice that beking is stuck at 3/11 Creatin... Read more
[graphics] CommandBuffer.DrawRenderer crashes if material is null (from ...
[Also check case 813052 and case 797906 when resolving this] Steps to reproduce the issue: 1. Open attached project. 2. Open scene ... Read more
Accessing variables in a generic class crashes Unity on compute_class_b...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached project 2. Open and play RunMe scene 3. Unity crashes Read more
Custom "Internal-DepthNormalsTexture.shader" does not load on build
Reproduction steps: 1. Open attached "New Unity Project 9" project. 2. Open "1" scene. 3. Open the game view. - Shadows are not visi... Read more
Unity Editor crashes when loading soundbanks with Wwise
Reproduction steps: 1. Download the project: 2. Open the project 3. Open the scene 'Plinths 3' 4. Play scene Result: Unity Editor ... Read more
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Latest issues
- Incorrect Shader keyword activation for Shadows when no Light is present in URP
- Editor freezes when loading a specific AssetBundle
- WebGPU builds with Multithreading enabled crash on Safari
- Set as Value in UI Builder doesn't work across all properties.
- Reorderable ListView inside a ScrollView has a glitchy behavior when trying to reorder items