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Editor crashes after you undo Add Rect Transform to Prefab (of object wi...
To reproduce: 1. Create a new project. 2. Create Empty "GameObject" with an empty "GameObject" child. 3. Make a prefab of this GameO... Read more
Add component RectTransform can't be undone for a prefab instance in hie...
To reproduce: 1. Create a new project. 2. Create empty GameObject. 3. Make a prefab of it. 4. Select instance of a Prefab in Hierarc... Read more
NavMesh is not fully generated for spherical objects
Steps to reproduce: 1. Create a new project 2. Create a sphere object in the scene 3. Increase it's size 4. try to bake navigation ... Read more
[Android] SpriteRenderer with custom shader does not reflect light
Steps to reproduce: 1) Download attached project '' and open in Unity 2) Open scene 'test' 3) In Hierarchy, increase Range of... Read more
[Regression][TerrainInspector] Terrain brush is always active on mouse h...
Steps to repro: 1. Open Unity; 2. Create new project; 3. Import attached 'TerrainInspectorBug' package and open 'test' scene; 4. Se... Read more
[MSE] Lightmap indices are assigned incorrectly when lightmapped prefabs...
To reproduce: 1. Open project 2. Build 'Cuberef' and 'StartScene' scenes 3. Notice that cube is not lit 4. Open 'BakedScene' 5. Bui... Read more
GameObject isn't set as public variable after undo operation
"Test1" GameObject has script attached which is checking if public variable (GameObject Test2) is set. If is set console displays ex... Read more
In 5.5 versions of Unity Playable Animation Transitions does not act lik...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached file "Animation Test" in 5.4.1p3 version; 2. Open the scene "test" in the Play mod... Read more
Setting GameObject's layer with editor layout set to default throws Inva...
Steps to reproduce: 1. Create new project 2. Maximize editor/make it fullscreen 3. Reset Layout to Default 4. Add empty game object... Read more
Reverting prefab instance throws IndexOutOfRangeException
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open attached project 2. Open scene "repro" 3. In hierarchy select "GameObject" prefab instance 4. Add any c... Read more
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- Profiler - Taking you to the wrong section when using 'show'
- Draw Renderers custom pass doesn't work with SSGI
- WebCamTexture does not set the requested resolution when used in WebGL
- Editor default Stylesheet/Matching Selector buttons in Debugger don't do anything
- Graphics.DrawMeshNow stops rendering Render Texture after a few frames when viewed in the Player