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[MSE] Lightmap indices are assigned incorrectly when lightmapped prefabs are loaded through additive scene loading



To reproduce:
1. Open project
2. Build 'Cuberef' and 'StartScene' scenes
3. Notice that cube is not lit
4. Open 'BakedScene'
5. Build 'Cuberef' and 'StartScene' scenes (when 'BakedScene' is opened)

Expected: cube will not be lit after 2nd and 5th steps
Actual: cube is lit after 5th step

Workaround: open any other scene, when building project

Reproduced on: 5.5.0a6, p3, p4, 5.6.0b3, 5.6.2p4, 2017.2.0b7
Not able to reproduce on 5.4 (UnityEngine.LightmapData' does not contain a definition and no extension method for `lightmapDir' and lightmapLight() methods)

  1. Resolution Note:

    This issue has been identified as having low priority and has been closed without a fix. If the bug has no workaround and is blocking your production please feel free to reopen it with any additional information you might have. Sorry for the inconvenience this might cause.

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