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[Editor] On selecting "Open Download Page" button for Universal Windows ...
On selecting "Open Download Page" button in build settings for Universal Windows Platform directs to the web page error Steps to Re... Read more
[WSA] Touches do not invoke OnDrag when CursorLockMode.Locked on all Win...
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open the attached project ( 2. Switch platform to Windows Store 3. Add BugScene to build 4. Bu... Read more
[UWP] XAML build shifts from App to a slate when TouchScreenKeyboard is ...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached "" project 2. Build to UWP with XAML Build Type 3. Open Visual Studio solutio... Read more
[WSA] Application.version does not return version number
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open the attached project 2. Switch platform to Windows Store 3. Open the test.unity scene 4. Click on "File"... Read more
[UWP] Input.GetJoystickNames() empty on Start in UWP builds
To reproduce: 1. Open the attached project 2. Connect at least one Controller to the PC the issue is being tested on 3. Launch "test... Read more
[UWP][Hololens] TouchScreenKeyboard's shift key duplicates last typed ch...
How to reproduce: 1. Open user's attached project -or- download newest Mixed reality toolkit for unity 2. Open "HandInteractionUnity... Read more
[UWP] Going from FullScreen to Windowed mode no longer rescales app corr...
Steps to reproduce: 1. Download 2. Switch platform to UWP and build project 3. Build the project with Visual Studi... Read more
UWP CPP projects report not having a splash screen set which fails deplo...
1. open attached project 2. build project to UWP - IL2CPP 3. Deploy the project to Hololens DEP8000 : Unexpected deployment failure... Read more
[WSA] Exceptions happening in OnGUI callback don't get logged on .NET sc...
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open the attached project ( 2. Open the Assets/bugsplat/report/scene/debug.unity scene... Read more
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- [Android][Mobile Notifications] The Player freezes or crashes when calling "AndroidNotificationCenter.GetNotificationChannel" every frame
- Tile Palette selected dropdown text does not update when palette is renamed
- ArgumentException thrown and reference to Template gets unset when opening UXML file after editing referenced Template in Play mode
- [iOS][WebGL] Player freezes when multiple properties of a VisualElement are changed at the same time
- Warning 'GetControlID at event ValidateCommand returns a controlID different from the one in the Layout event' is logged when undoing the deletion of an Edited Freeform 2D Light