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Multiple shader variant _ALPHABLEND_ON w/ optional parameter alpha:premu...
Steps to reproduce: 1. Create new "Standard Surface Shader" 2. Replace line 14 (#pragma surface surf Standard fullforwardshadows) wi... Read more
[compute] HLSLcc times out compiling complex shaders (exponential comple...
How to reproduce: 1. Import the attached shaders ( into a project 2. Give them time to compile - Note that it takes a ... Read more
[SurfaceShader] LightToTangent space optimization got lost in 5.0, GPU r...
How to reproduce: 1. Open attached project in 4.6 2. Build to iOS and run - Note the frame time in the FPS debug window in Xcode 3... Read more
[Skybox] Procedural Skybox Sun changes size when switching between Simpl...
Procedural Skybox Sun changes size switching between Simple/HighQ How we can reproduce it using the example you attached: a. In Tes... Read more
[ShaderCompiler] Line is not compiled if TAB is used instead of space in...
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open the attached project 2. Reimport the DepthWriter shader located in Assets/MappingTest folder to force i... Read more
Hidden/Post FX/ shaders with cginc file source fails to compile and thr...
To reproduce: 1. Create a new project with LW VR template 2. In the package manager, add PostProcessing 3. Change building settings ... Read more
[ComputeShader] Invalid buffer count while Dispatching Indirectly
Reproduction steps: 1. Open "" project 2. Open "TestScene" scene 3. Enter Play Mode 4. See "Pre Count" and "Post Cou... Read more
Having calculations that use _Time in sin() will have inconsistent resul...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached project '_Time' 2. Open the available scene 3. Play scene and observe the material behavior... Read more
[Shaders] D3DCompiler crashes with too large shader arrays (_CxxThrowExc...
Shaders that try to use arrays larger than 64kb in size crash the shader compiler. Missing _CxxThrowException implementation in the ... Read more
Setting material.shader to null crashes at Shader::GetActiveSubShaderIndex
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open attached project 2. Open scene "TestCase" 3. Run scene 4. Press "E" 5. Unity crashes Reproduced with: ... Read more
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- Input from the "Backslash" key is not detected in the Web Player when using the Japanese 106/109 key keyboard
- High "Total" value of the "TerrainManager.CullAllTerrains" when generating terrain
- UI Layout rebuild triggered by a rounding error when using TextMesh Pro
- Sprite Shape Corners and Edges are invisible when a closed Sprite Shape is used
- Script icon Gizmos cause lag/performance issues in Scene view even when the Scene Camera is not pointed at Gizmos