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Shader Keywords array always returns 0 length when keywords are visible ...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the '1380745-sample' project 2. Open the 'test' Scene 3. Select the testMaterial and observe it in the I... Read more
Integer property type in ShaderLab has no effect on uniforms and fixed f...
Integer property type in ShaderLab has no effect on uniforms and fixed function state STR: create a new shader, add a property with... Read more
Integer properties do not show up in Frame Debugger
STR: 1. Make a new project from the 3D template 2. Copy the attached shader to Assets folder. 3. Create a new material, assign the ... Read more
Surface Shader fails to compile with redefinition errors when declaring ...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached project ("") 2. Try compiling the "MultipleUV" shader (Click on th... Read more
[Shaders] compute '#pragma require' flags don't persist after shader cac...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached project "PragmaRepro" in a Windows editor 2. Navigate to the Assets folder and select "Repro... Read more
Integer variables of a Compute Shader show up as Floats in the Frame Deb...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached "case_1345758" project 2. Open the "ComputeUAVTexFlow" Scene 3. Go "Window -> Analysis -> Fra... Read more
Pass.CompileVariant fails to compile a variant if the shader is not supp...
STR: 1. Make a new project from the 3D template. 2. Put the attached shader and C# script in the Assets folder. 3. Use the menu "Rep... Read more
Shader Compiler crashes when using Interlocked* methods in pixel shader
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached "" project 2. In the Project window, select Test.shader and compile it 3. O... Read more
State comes from an incompatible keyword space errors appear when enteri...
Reproduction steps: 1. Download and open the attached "Adventure Game 2021.2 - Demo- State comes from an incompatible keyword space.... Read more
No error is thrown and the Compute Shader ignores the code when the code...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached "1297115_Repro" project 2. In the Project window select the "BrokenCompute.compute" Asset 3. ... Read more
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- Crash on __pthread_kill when initializing Vuplex WebView while entering the Play Mode
- Crash on FindSurface when adding a custom Renderer Feature to a 2D Renderer Data Asset
- [Android] [Vulkan] [UI Toolkit] Application crashes when the device is rotated when it has UI Toolkit TextField on Vulkan devices
- Crash on DualThreadAllocator<DynamicHeapAllocator>::TryDeallocate when opening a specific project
- Crash on memset_repstos when pressing a UI button while in Play Mode