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Color Grading doesn't work in 2021.2 Players
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the user's attached project 2. Build and Run the project Expected result: Scene is orange in both Edito... Read more
"Couldn't open include file" error is thrown when compiling a Shader and...
How to reproduce: 1. In Unity Hub, add the user-submitted project 2. Under "Editor Version", click the three dots button and select ... Read more
Error is thrown in Build when using Shader with no "_MainTex" property
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached project "" 2. Build and Run the Project 3. Observe the Player.l... Read more
[Materials][Skybox] Uninformative tooltips on skybox shaders
How to reproduce: 1. Create a new project 2. Create a new Material in Assets 3. Select Material and go to Inspector 4. Click on Shad... Read more
GameObject color is flickering when using "WorldSpaceLightPos0" in the s...
How to reproduce: 1. Open project "" 2. Open "SampleScene" Scene 3. Select "Quad" GameObject in the Hierarchy window ... Read more
Surface shaders do not correctly set unity_StereoEyeIndex when using Sin...
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open the attached "" project 2. Enter Play Mode and in the Game view observe that t... Read more
GameObject with a custom Shader is invisible when multi_compile keywords...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached project "haircut_repro" 2. Open the scene "SampleScene" (Assets/Scenes/SampleScene.unity) 3. ... Read more
Problem with GatherCmp* methods HLSL->GLSL conversion
When using GatherCmp methods in compute shaders, it's being converted to textureGather method with hlslcc_zcmp_ prefix added to the ... Read more
Shader compiler outputs wrong shader code when entering Play Mode
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached project "" 2. Go to Assets > Scenes > "SampleScene" 3. Enter Play Mode Expecte... Read more
Texture property error spam when selecting a GameObject with 'ProblemMat...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the user attached project 2. Open ProblemScene.unity 3. In Hierarchy select the Sphere GameObject Expecte... Read more
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Latest issues
- Keywords on Material Variants aren't automatically saved when changed on original Material through Shader Graph
- Light Probes get baked when calling LightProbes.Tetrahedralize
- Shadows flicker and cause visual artifacts when modifying a GameObject's bounds using Swizzle (Y Mask) and Sine Time nodes
- [WebGL] Frame rate drops by 5-20 fps when moving cursor or touch input in the Player
- Light bleeds when using box shaped spotlight with specific Emission Range values