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[Materials][Skybox] Uninformative tooltips on skybox shaders

Shader System


How to reproduce:
1. Create a new project
2. Create a new Material in Assets
3. Select Material and go to Inspector
4. Click on Shader dropdown and write "Skybox"
5. Observe Skybox tooltips

Expected result: Tooltips include info on how these skyboxes differ or in what cases you should pick each one
Actual result: Tooltips include skybox name (same info you see in the list)

Reproducible: 2022.2.0a1, 2022.1.0b4

  1. Resolution Note:

    The shader selection dropdown is displaying the shader name. We don't have a field supporting additional description text in the ShaderLab syntax atm. Might potentially add support for such at some point, but this is not really a bug.

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