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Crash on FindActiveTransformWithPathIm when using transform.SetAsLastSib...
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open the attached project ( 2. Open the "SampleScene" 3. Enter the Play Mode 4. Exit the Play Mod... Read more
ArgumentException is thrown when closing the right-click context menu fo...
How to reproduce: 1. Create a new Unity project 2. Right-click the SampleScene and select 'Add New Scene' 3. Unload the 'SampleScene... Read more
Imported Prefab file (in Library folder) is out-of-sync with source Pref...
A prefab with an old library representation will display different states in Prefab Edit Mode and in its instances in the Scene To ... Read more
Frame stepping not working on Addressables operations
How to reproduce: 1. Open attached project "" 2. Open "SampleScene" scene 3. Enter Play Mode 4. Click the e... Read more
GameObject is moved to seemingly random position when it is applied in t...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached project "" 2. Open the "Test" Scene 3. Right-click GameObject "Slider (10)" in Hie... Read more
Text meshes and Canvas elements are not rendered in prefab's preview image
How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached 'Text Mesh Rendering in Preview Bug' project 2. In the Project window observ... Read more
Applying overriden name of nested Prefab is silently ignored
How to reproduce: 1. Open user's attached '' project 2. Open 'SampleScene' Scene 3. Select 'Parent Prefab' GameObj... Read more
Layer dropdown selection is persistent through projects
Reproduction steps: 1. Create a New Project 2. "Layers" -> Click on "Nothing" 3. Create a New Project 4. "Layers" 5. Notice that "No... Read more
Prefab referenced Game Object is not removed from the Scene files when t...
To reproduce: 1. Open attached project ("") 2. Open "MB" Script from Assets and comment/delete the public SO field 3... Read more
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- Longer component titles overlap navigation arrow in the "Add Component" window
- Joint Physics result in unexpected behaviors when used for articulated vehicles like buses or trucks
- Standalone Player crashes with "TDerived GetOrLoad<TDerived>() where TDerived : T" when IL2CPP Code generation is set to "Faster (smaller) Builds"
- IndexOutOfRangeException and InvalidOperationException when logging XML string
- Script missing in "Assets/Settings/Mobile_Renderer/GlobalVolumeFeature" of "com.unity.template.urp-blank" template