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Unity editor crashes on Unity::FixedJoint::Create when opening prefab
How to reproduce: 1. Open user's attached project 2. Select "PlayerProt" Prefab inside the project window (Prototipos -> Prefabs -> ... Read more
Objects marked as DontDestroyOnLoad get destroyed when built
Reproduction steps: 1. Open attached project "" 2. Open Scene "ReproScene" 3. Enter Play Mode 4. Observe Game view 5. Bui... Read more
[Editor] Recent scenes should not include (DOTS) subscenes
Steps to reproduce: 1. Install the DOTS packages 2. Create a subscene via RMB in the Hierarchy->New Sub Scene Expected result: the... Read more
Performance downgrade in Play Mode while being in Prefab Mode
Steps to repro: 1. Open attached project "Performance" 2. Make sure you are in Level_1 scene (Assets/Levels/1 world/Level_... Read more
Applying changes to root prefab in a nested prefab re-adds a component e...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached project 2. Open the "SampleScene" scene 3. Remove Mesh Renderer component of Cube > Sphere 4.... Read more
GameObject disappears and Prefab inherits its Components when Prefab is ...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached "" Unity project 2. Open the "Parent" Prefab Variant in Prefab Mode 3. Swap t... Read more
[Improved prefabs] Duplicate prefab gets created when undo is pressed af...
Duplicate prefab gets created when undo is pressed after applying override to nested prefabs. Refer the attached video. Steps to re... Read more
Applying component or property takes current Animation Mode Preview or R...
Steps: 1. Create new GameObject. 2. Make it a Prefab. 3. Open Animation view and click Create Animation. 4. Click the red record but... Read more
Editor crashes on GizmoManager::BuildGizmosFromGameObjectRecursive when ...
Scenario 1: 1. Open attached project 2. Open Sample Scene 3. Save the Scene (CTRL+S) -- Editor crashes Scenario 2: 1. Drag and drop... Read more
Crash when calling hideFlags after removing missing nested prefab
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the "OnWillSaveAssetsCrash" project 2. Open the 'Test' prefab 3. Delete missing nested 'Quad' prefab 4.... Read more
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- "Problem detected while importing the Prefab file" errors on Learning Templates import
- Crash on RaiseException during Socket.BeginConnect in Player when application connection is blocked through commercial firewall
- [Linux] Silent crash when generating lighting
- Decal Projector produces artifacts when the normal and decal are projected in negative z-direction and Normal Blend is set to 1
- Undoing slider field change only resets slider position, doesn't undo the value change