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[Editor] Error on searching for anything in the Project window
While searching for any asset, script etc in the project window, errors are thrown I the console Steps To Reproduce: 1. Create a ne... Read more
[Terrain] InvalidCastException thrown on Creating New Brush with Cubmap ...
When New Brush is created with Cubmap texture under Paint Terrain causes the Editor to throw InvalidCastException, refer attached vi... Read more
"UnityEditor.AsyncHTTPClient:Done" error when switch between "In Package...
How we can reproduce it: 1 Create new projecr 2 Go to Project Browser and type "new" in search field 3 Switch between "In Packages"... Read more
[ProjectBrowser] double clicking on a folder in ActivityWindow - the ani...
How can we reproduce it using the example you attached 1 Open attached project (or create new 3D project and create 2 empty folders)... Read more
Object Picker order is from file order in Project window
Reproduction steps: 1. Open attached project "" 2. In Project window, select Assets/"Static Level Collection.asset" 3. In... Read more
[Linux] Project Browser Window Context Menu doesn't allow to create any ...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open new Unity Project 2. In Project window, right-click to open Context menu -> Create 3. Observe available ... Read more
Project window can be shrunk to the point it's unusable anymore
How to reproduce: 1. Create a new project 2. Remove Hierarchy tab 3. Drag the right border of the Project window to shrink it Repro... Read more
[ProjectView] Rename Undo and Redo is not working for .shader assets
In Project window Undo and Redo functionality is not working for Standard Surface Shader, Unlit Shader, Image Effect Shader, while i... Read more
[Editor] Assets path does not get Updated in the breadcrumb bar on delet...
[Editor] Assets path does not get Updated in the breadcrumb bar on deleting an asset from the project window. Assets path does not... Read more
Creating a new C# script throws an error when Project window is set to O...
How to reproduce: 1. Create and open a new project 2. Set Project window to One Column Layout 3. Create a new C# script and open it ... Read more
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- OnPostprocessAllAssets() is not called for a modified Prefab when another Asset is set Dirty in the same callback
- [Android] UIToolkit ClickEvent is fired when the device is rotated
- Compilation errors occur when "uintBitsToFloat(int)" gets used in OpenGLES
- User Reporting does not send reports when Managed Stripping Level is set to Low or higher
- Editor crashes and a window with "GetManagerFromContext: pointer to object of manager 'MonoManager' is NULL (table index 5)" error is thrown when launching a project with a corrupted library