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[Denoising] RadeonPro denoising creates corruption in lightmap output
Repro: 1. Download and import the attached repro project 2. Open the Scene SampleScene.unity 3. Ensure the LightingSettingsUltra se... Read more
Reflection probes must be rebaked twice to update when using "Generate L...
Baked reflection probes are not updated when baking using the "Generate Lighting" button to until you bake twice (without changing a... Read more
[OSX] Light Probe Group gizmo spheres are not rendered
Steps to repro: 1. Create new project and scene in URP; 2. In Hierarchy right click and select Light>Light Probe Group; 3. In the S... Read more
GPU PLM falls back to CPU PLM when Auto Generate is enabled during the F...
Steps to reproduce: 1. Download AdventureSampleGame project (link in the comments) 2. Open the Market scene 3. Make sure that light... Read more
Duplicated baked lights placed in same position produce double lighting,...
How to reproduce: 1. Open attached project "" and scene "1" 2. In Lighting Settings window, Generate Lighting 3. I... Read more
Terrain object with holes doesn't get a Lightmap generated when the obje...
How to reproduce: 1. Open user's attached project "" 2. Open the "SampleScene" Scene 3. Open Window > ... Read more
Crash on Radeon::DenoiserContext::DenoiseGPUBuffer when Baking Global Il...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the user's attached project 2. Open "Assets/Unity Asset Unlocks - Backyard/Scenes/ExampleScene" Scene 3.... Read more
Light baking gets stuck in a infinite loop when unloading a light baked ...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached project "" 2. Open SampleScene_A 3. Click Window > Rendering > Lighti... Read more
LightProbes.needsRetetrahedralization doesn't get invoked in IL2CPP builds
How to reproduce: 1. Open the user's attached project 2. Build the project 3. Observe the build 4. Wait until two cubes appear in th... Read more
API for environmentMIS property in LightingSettings is not exposed
environmentMIS property in LightingSettings is not exposed to public scripting API. The user would expect to be able to modify this... Read more
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- [sw-unity-6-1] Scene view renders any light differently when more than one camera exists and neither have the "MainCamera" tag
- Project tab navigates to the previous folder when undoing (CTRL+Z) GameObject placement in the Scene
- Blue lines appear on the sides of the "Fit Canvas" or "Fit viewport" button when it's clicked in the UI Builder.
- PlayableDirector's state remains set to Playing even when the timeline's time property exceeds its duration.
- Favorites section does not collapse in the Project window when holding the ALT key