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Won't Fix

Editor stutters a little bit when rotating a Camera through a script in ...

Graphics - General


Aug 13, 2018


Version/s: 2017.1.0f3

How to reproduce: 1. Open the User's attached project 2. Enter the Play Mode 3. Observe the Game window Expected result: Smooth mot... Read more

By Design

Sprite is rendered with vertical line artifacts when it's assigned to 'S...

Graphics - General


Jul 05, 2019


Version/s: 2017.4.0f1, 2018.3.0a1, 2019.1.0a1, 2019.2.0a1, 2019.3.0a1, 2019.3.0a6

How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached '' project 2. Open 'Test' scene 2. Zoom in Game Objects of Canvas in the Scene tab... Read more

By Design

Shadow rendered through objects when Cast Shadow is disabled.

Graphics - General


Oct 19, 2018


Version/s: 2018.3.0b6

Shadow rendered through objects when Cast Shadows is disabled. Steps to repro: 1. Open attached project. 2. Select the Cube game ob... Read more

By Design

Using Graphics.CopyTexture shows only grey color

Graphics - General


Jun 25, 2018


Version/s: 2017.4.5f1

To reproduce: 1. Open users attached project "" 2. Open "Test.unity" scene 3. Enter Play mode 4. Observe a grey recta... Read more

Not Reproducible

[DirectX11] Editor flickers and occasionally crashes when continuously g...

Graphics - General


Oct 19, 2018


Version/s: 2018.3.0b6

How to reproduce: 1. Open user-submitted project (WindowsScreenFreezeRepro) 2. Open scene 'Test scene' 3. Enter Play Mode Expected ... Read more


[Camera] Reset functionality doesn't work for the component.

Graphics - General


Oct 22, 2018


Version/s: 2018.3.0b7

Reset functionality doesn't work for Camera component. Steps to repro: 1. Open a new Project. 2. Select the Main Camera. 3. Change ... Read more

Won't Fix

[Mesh Renderer]Reset functionality doesn't work for the component

Graphics - General


Oct 22, 2018


Version/s: 2019.1.0a6

Reset functionality doesn't work for Mesh Renderer. Steps to repro: 1. Open a new project. 2. Create a cube game object 3. Change... Read more


Occlusion&Frustum Culling does not work with LWRP

Graphics - General


Oct 24, 2018


Version/s: 2018.3.0b6

Fixed 2018.3.0b8 Read more

Not Reproducible

[Wild Crash] Editor freezes or crashes on RenderBufferManager::Textures:...

Graphics - General


Oct 14, 2018


Version/s: 2018.2.11f1

How to reproduce: 1. Create new C# script 2. Delete the same script Expected result: Script is deleted and Editor does not crash Ac... Read more

Won't Fix

Misleading warning is thrown when enabling Soft Particles in Project Set...

Graphics - General


Jul 28, 2019


Version/s: 2017.4.0f1, 2018.3.0a1, 2018.4.5f1, 2019.1.0a1, 2019.2.0a1, 2019.3.0a1

How to reproduce: 1. Create a new project or open an existing one 2. Navigate to Edit -> Project Settings -> Quality 3. Enable Soft ... Read more

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