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Cloth constraint values change when upgrading from Unity 2018.4 to Unity...
Steps to reproduce: 1. Download and open the project "" in Unity 2018.4.34f1 2. Open Assets/Scenes/SampleScene... Read more
Editor crashes when Cloth with SkinnedMeshRenderer has Null Bone References
Reproduction steps: 1. Open user attached Project 2. Open Assets\Test Scene 3. Select "TestCloth crash" > "Rope" in the Hierarchy 4.... Read more
Cloth constraints gradient tool does not have a field for editing constr...
How to reproduce: 1) Create a new Unity project 2) Add a Cloth Component to any GameObject 3) Toggle constraint editing from the Ins... Read more
SkinnedMeshRenderer bounds are not automatically readjusted after changi...
How to reproduce: 1) Create a new Unity project 2) Create a Plane GameObject 3) Add a Cloth Component 4) Remove the reference to the... Read more
Cloth starts jittering when a related gameObject is selected in the Insp...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached project named "Case_1293351" 2. Open the BrokenCloth Scene and enter Play mode 3. Select the ... Read more
[Cloth] Cloth Particles are painted even if clicked outside of cloth
When the mouse has hovered over Cloth particles then clicks outside of cloth, Particles are painted. Steps to repro: 1. Create a ne... Read more
Cloth piece has an initial residual force upon entering the Play Mode
How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached project "" 2. In the Hierarchy select "testClothG" ("Objects" > "testClothG") ... Read more
Adding Cloth component to MeshRenderer results in incorrect bounds
Repro project attached - (54.7 KB) It happens in both built in and URP - Create an empty scene - Add Mesh... Read more
[Cloth] [Undo] Errors thrown on performing 'Undo' functionality after ch...
After adding a cloth component in 3d Object, On editing and undoing the 'Cloth Constraints' or 'Cloth self/ Inter collision' window'... Read more
[Cloth] 'Cloth Constraints' & 'Cloth self Inter collision' windows prope...
After adding a cloth component in 3d Object, On editing the Cloth Constraints & Cloth self/ Inter collision window's then properties... Read more
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- ListView fails to display items when the source list is cleared and a single element is added
- UI Toolkit ':hover' state remains active when another panel is drawn over the hovered element and Touch input is used
- Unsupported Orient modes can be selected and throw errors when using Strip VFX
- "Tab" key exits the name text field in the VFX Graph tab when renaming the Property
- Shader warnings are thrown when deleting blocks in the Ribbon VFX Graph