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core::StringStorageDefault<char>::assign Crash and Editor unresponsivene...
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open supplied project 2. Go to Edit -> Project Settings -> Editor -> Asset Pipeline 3. Change from V2 to V1 o... Read more
Crash on MustRemoveFromObject when reimporting a Prefab
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the user's attached project 2. In the Project window, select "Addressables" > "_GameManager" 3. Right-cl... Read more
Ctrl + Drag or Option + Drag on an asset with unsaved changes will copy ...
How to reproduce: 1. Open user-submitted project ( 2. Select BugMaterial.mat 3. Change something in the Inspector w... Read more
Passing a folder to AssetDatabase.ImportAsset() with ImportAssetOptions....
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open the attached project ( 2. In the menu bar under "Test", select "Import" 3. Open the Con... Read more
NullReferenceException error is thrown when updating more than one Avata...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the user's attached "" project 2. Expand the "boss_gongshujin001" Asset in the Project... Read more
Bunch of assertions appear while reimporting prefab asset
Steps: 1. Add GameObject to the Hierarchy 2. Drag it to Project Browser to make a prefab out of it 3. Drag it again to Project Brows... Read more
TextAsset.bytes returns different bytes with different file extensions
Reproduction steps: 1. Open project in "" 2. In "TextAssetTest.cs" the test will compare bytes of 2 identical files (tex... Read more
LazyLoadReference<Object>.isSet returns True when Reference Object is se...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached project's Scene labeled "SampleScene" 2. Enter Play Mode and Inspect the Console Window Expe... Read more
[ADBv2][Accelerator] Cache Server v2 not updating Compute Shader resulti...
Reproduction steps: 1. Set-up Accelerator and delete projects "Library" folder 2. Open "" project with this cmd... Read more
[Editor] Importing a physicsMaterial crashes the Editor inside PhysicMat...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached project "" or project from Case-1341458 2. If opening the pr... Read more
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- "Problem detected while importing the Prefab file" errors on Learning Templates import
- Crash on RaiseException during Socket.BeginConnect in Player when application connection is blocked through commercial firewall
- Decal Projector produces artifacts when the normal and decal are projected in negative z-direction and Normal Blend is set to 1
- Undoing slider field change only resets slider position, doesn't undo the value change
- Precision changes when a tangent is added to a Vertex node