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Undo restores deleted Sub-State Machine which corrupts Character Animati...
Steps to reproduce: 1. Create a project which has new CharacterAnimation.controller 2. Open Animator window to edit CharacterAnimati... Read more
Animation on the ponytail bones of the character in the scene is missing
Animation on the ponytail bones of the character in the scene is missing. 2) How can we reproduce it using the example you attached... Read more
Selecting a transition between empty Animations causes Unity to hang
To reproduce: 1. Open project EmptyAnimCrashRepro 2. Open New Animation Controller 3. Select the transition between the animations -... Read more
[Animation] Transitions box layout is overlapping with its property wind...
On expanding transitions from Transitions box, Transitions box layout is overlapping with its property window. refer attached screen... Read more
Adding a New Animation - by replacing the existing one - causes an empt...
Repro steps: 1. Add a New Animation to an object, open the Animator Controller to see it has a state with that clip assigned 3. Now ... Read more
Negative Discrete Int deletes key
When animatitng an Integer using [DiscreteEvaluation], positive numbers are keyed as expected, but negative values are not keyed a... Read more
Animation starts glitching when the Animation transitions to the next State
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached project 2. Open "Assets/Scenes/Mocap.unity" Scene 3. Enter Play Mode 4. Observe the Animati... Read more
Editing Avatar Mask is impossible to edit
Editing Avatar Mask is impossible to edit Repro: 1. Create Avatar Mask 2. Try edit by clicking on body parts 3. Error pops up This ... Read more
Mecanim animator transitions are lost/changed on upgrade to 5.0
To reproduce: 1. Open project "REPRO" with 4.3.4f1 2. In the project navigate to Avatar > AvatarCTRL and open the animator window, i... Read more
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- Label is not centered when using flex-direction: row
- Incorrect initial target position when the Skinning Editor's "Depth" parameter is adjusted on a bone which is set as the "Effector" parameter on the "Limb Solver 2D" Component
- The order of activation for Water Deformers and Foam Generators will cause water artefacts in the Player
- Crash on `anonymous namespace'::PrepareTreesAndWriteWindParamsJobData::Execute when entering Play mode on a specific project
- [Linux] Crash on 'PPtr<RuntimeAnimatorController>::operator RuntimeAnimatorController*() const' when saving a new animation file