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The 'Mute' transition flag in the Sub-State Machine gets ignored after s...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached '' project and open the 'Test' Scene 2. Open the Animator window ( Window > Animat... Read more
Animation playback is incorrect when using Asset Bundle exported from Un...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the user's attached project ( 2. Open scene ImportScene 3. Press the Play button 4. O... Read more
[Animation] Animator Transition does not get interrupted
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open user attached project 2. Open scene_Crossfade.unity 3. In the Cotroller.cs script, notice that at frame ... Read more
Animator.GetBoneTransform does not return null when Animator is disabled
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached project "" 2. Open the "Scenes/SampleScene" Scene 3. Enter Play Mode 4.... Read more
[Timeline] Clip Root Motion Offsets setting is ignored in the Play mode ...
How to reproduce: 1. Open QA-supplied project 2. Load "SCENE" scene 2. Select "Main Camera" in Hierarchy window 3. Hit Play button i... Read more
Animator transition parameter is ignored in a transition from entry to a...
To reproduce: 1. Open the project, attached by the tester (link in edit) 2. Open the "BugTest" scene 3. Select the Third Person Con... Read more
Crash in AnimatorControllerPlayable::GetAnimatorClipInfo when the clipIn...
To reproduce: 1. Open attached project 2. Play the scene 3. Walk up to the top of the stairs and look over the edge 4. Turn sideway... Read more
Transition not smooth on specific asset
Open controller, play transition, see how it jumps in the middle. Read more
[Generic] Transition between animations is not smooth
How to reproduce: 1. Open attached project 2. Open scene "2" 3. Open Animator window and select "New Animator Controller" in Project... Read more
After importing model with "Optimize Game Object" enabled leads to inc...
To reproduce follow the steps: 1. Open "Bug_Report" project 2. Open "Scale_Error" scene 3. Observe the scene - one of two objects a... Read more
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- ListView fails to display items when the source list is cleared and a single element is added
- UI Toolkit ':hover' state remains active when another panel is drawn over the hovered element and Touch input is used
- Unsupported Orient modes can be selected and throw errors when using Strip VFX
- "Tab" key exits the name text field in the VFX Graph tab when renaming the Property
- Shader warnings are thrown when deleting blocks in the Ribbon VFX Graph