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a sprite breaks when entering play mode
To reproduce: 1. Open attached project 2. enter play mode Expected result: A new sprite spawns and we have two identical sprites Act... Read more
Overwriting tiles in the tile palette leaves dead tiles in the palette t...
This is actually a misunderstanding of how it works. Some explanation: - Palette only has Tiles, never Sprites or Textures - If you... Read more
[2D] SortingGroup does not apply the sorting changes to its children whe...
To reproduce: 1. Download attached project "" and open in Unity 2. Open "BugTest" scene 3. Enter Play mode N... Read more
2D. You cannot input negative values for BoxCollider size from editor, b...
Steps: 1. Create object. 2. Add BoxCollider2D 3. Try to change Size valies to -1 It will automaticaly change it to 1e-5. You can se... Read more
Compressed ETC Variant Sprite Atlases become corrupted when changing the...
To reproduce: 1. Download and open attached "SpriteAtlas ETC Variant Size". 2. Make sure Build Settings are switched to A... Read more
[SpriteEditor] contents will disappear upon exiting playmode
Reproduction steps:(Gif in the Edit) 1) Open attached project. 2) Select any sprite in Assets window, hit Sprite Editor in Inspector... Read more
Sprite.Create causes Unity to crash
Steps to reproduce : - import the project attached - open the scene - press play and Unity will crash ----------------------------... Read more
Sprite flickers with fragments of sprites that are on its side in the sp...
To reproduce: 1. Open the project attached by the user 2. Move the scene around and notice green fragments flickering on the sides o... Read more
When manually setting Y value of 2D sprite in inspector keeps the moveme...
To reproduce: 1) Create new 2D project 2) Put any sprite into your project 3) Drag it into scene(hierarchy) 4) Set it to (0,0,0) 5) ... Read more
[2D] Unable to click on/select Sprite Mask in Scene with Sprite Mask View
A Sprite Mask cannot be clicked on/selected in Scene when using Sprite Mask View 1. create a Sprite Mask 2. select a Sprite to use ... Read more
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Latest issues
- Resources.UnloadUnusedAssets() freezes the Editor when releasing Mesh objects
- 16-bit Sprite Textures have a banding effect and loss of data when packing into Variant Sprite Atlas
- HDRP Cluster artifacts when having more than 100 lights
- ParticleCollisionEvent.intersection generates extremely high values when particles collide while in Play Mode
- Custom attributes are not properly converted to subgraphs