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Content of scrollview not bouncing back when reaching the top/bottom
To reproduce: 1. Open the project the user sent ("") 2. Play the only scene 3. Try scrolling the scrollview Notice that,... Read more
World space canvas flicker when resizing game view
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open attached project 2. Open scene "TestBUG" 3. Rezise game view and notice canvas flickering Reproducible... Read more
Nested canvas has wrong values when instantiated from a prefab during ru...
Creating a nasted canvas prefab and instantiating the prefab during runtime produces wrong values of the canvas when changing the pa... Read more
[UI]In full screen mode, UI scales to native resolution instead of selec...
Reproduction steps: 1) Open users project and build it and launch for Pc. 2) Select resolution other that your monitors native and m... Read more
ScrollRect scrolling randomly stops even with the deceleration rate set ...
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open attached project 2. Open scene "test" and run it 3. Click on scroll rect and while holding mouse move i... Read more
UI: IPointerEnterHandler works only after you click somewhere in the scene
To reproduce this bug: 1. Open the attached project 2. Open 'Scene' 3. It has 2 images and script having IPointerEnter and IPointer... Read more
OnEndDrag is called when you click a UI object
To reproduce this bug: 1. Import the attached package 2. Open 'scene' 3. There is a UI image with a script which has OnBeginDrag, O... Read more
Scale of the prefab is ignored, and recalculated into a new value using...
To reproduce: 1. Open attached project 2. Open UIscaleScene 3. Press play 4. Notice that button scale is 10 times bigger than pref... Read more
If Canvas Scale Mode is "Scale With Screen Size" the text and its UI Tex...
Reproduction Steps: 1. Open Project "Test017" 2. Open test scene 3. Look at the Game View window and notice that there are text fiel... Read more
[UI] MaskableGraphic OnEnable and OnDisable are slow causing non-respons...
To reproduce: 1. Open attached project 2. Play scene 3. Click on Open 4. Notice spike in profiler 5. Click on Back button 6. Notice ... Read more
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- Red spots appear when Blending Lighting Scenarios using Adaptive Probe Volumes
- [Windows] About Unity Window needs to be opened twice to adapt to resolution
- NullReferenceException and temporary graph corruption after entering playmode if output node connection was changed
- Sprite Renderer with Animation does not reflect Sprite changes in the Scene when switching Mask Interaction
- User is redirected to a non-existing online documentation link when clicking on "?" help button inside Inspector window while Animator Override Controller is selected