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Crash when calling hideFlags after removing missing nested prefab
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the "OnWillSaveAssetsCrash" project 2. Open the 'Test' prefab 3. Delete missing nested 'Quad' prefab 4.... Read more
Removed missing script component is registered as unused override
Steps: 1. Create a new project 2. Add GameObject and assign any script to it 3. Convert to prefab 4. Delete script from Project Brow... Read more
Particle System Renderer component appears when adding a script to prefa...
Steps: 1. Add "GameObject -> Effects -> Particle System" GameObject to Hierarchy 2. Create a script in Project browser 3. Select Par... Read more
If Autorefresh is off, pulled data doesn't update on the first launch
Reproduction steps: 1. Open "1083197" project 2. See "Cube" -> "New Behaviour Script" -> "Test" value ('10') 3. Copy Project 4. Cha... Read more
Object reference is lost when using PrefabUtility.SaveAsPrefabAssetAndCo...
To reproduce: 1. Open the project attached "", scve 2. In Hierarcy window, sleect GameObject 3. In In... Read more
AssetDatabase.importPackageCompleted callback doesn't fire if scripts ha...
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open attached project "" 2. Click "Test/ImportPackage" in the Menu Bar *a Unity Package containin... Read more
Immutable Prefabs can't be fully opened from the Hierarchy nor the 'Open...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the user's attached project 2. Open 'SampleScene' 3. Observe the Inspector Expected result: There is a li... Read more
Unity crashes when deleting prefab clone after prefab revert
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open "deletingObjectBug" project 2. Open "main" scene 3. Select one of the "PARENT(A)" children and duplicate... Read more
Editor crashes when importing "GuidedProjectStarterFiles" package from U...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached project 2. Right-click in the Project window and select "Reimport All" Expected result: As... Read more
Applying overriden name of nested Prefab is silently ignored
How to reproduce: 1. Open user's attached '' project 2. Open 'SampleScene' Scene 3. Select 'Parent Prefab' GameObj... Read more
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- Object Picker takes the debounce time to load objects when Object Selector is set to Advanced search
- Packman: The same asset data is displayed differently in "Import" and "Remove" popups
- Reference to a deleted GameObject becomes "None" instead of "Missing" when the GameObject is restored with undo after entering and exiting Play Mode
- Size value in Particle System Curve's tab is highlighted with selection across all tab header
- Particle System Curve's Presets window has no visual indication of what preset is selected