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API for environmentMIS property in LightingSettings is not exposed
environmentMIS property in LightingSettings is not exposed to public scripting API. The user would expect to be able to modify this... Read more
Reflection probes must be rebaked twice to update when using "Generate L...
Baked reflection probes are not updated when baking using the "Generate Lighting" button to until you bake twice (without changing a... Read more
Editor crashes on EnlightenSceneMapping::GetTerrainChunkUVST when loadin...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the user's attached "BNT" project 2. Load the "Quarry 1" scene -- Observe the crash Reproduc... Read more
Reflection Probes and Light Groups are not getting updated in the Light ...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the user's attached "URP" project 2. Open the "SampleScene" Scene 3. Go to Window -> Rendering... Read more
Min Bounces is getting clamped to the first digit of the Max Bounces fie...
Steps to repro: 1. Create new project and scene; 2. In the Lighting window (Window>Rendering>Lighting) click New Lighting Settings b... Read more
[Enlighten] GameObject's illumination flickers when clicking on the Step...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached "Bug lightmap" project ("Unity lighting") 2. Load SampleScene 3. Open the Profiler ... Read more
Duplicated baked lights placed in same position produce double lighting,...
How to reproduce: 1. Open attached project "" and scene "1" 2. In Lighting Settings window, Generate Lighting 3. I... Read more
[GPU PLM] Crash when baking lights for a Scene with a Terrain using Prog...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open attached project "Case_1338498" and load Scene "Game" 2. Open the Lighting Window (Window -> Rendering -... Read more
Crash on Radeon::DenoiserContext::DenoiseGPUBuffer when Baking Global Il...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the user's attached project 2. Open "Assets/Unity Asset Unlocks - Backyard/Scenes/ExampleScene" Scene 3.... Read more
[Enlighten] Fatal Error when closing the Editor while Generating Lighting
Fatal Error GetManagerFromContext: pointer to object of manager 'LightmapSettings' is NULL (table index 22) when closing the Editor ... Read more
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- Inconsistent NullReferenceException while connecting Edges in the Graph
- Output Decals URP link in Learning Templates directs to HDRP Lit Decal Documentation
- Performing Undo Redo for Convert to Property action creates a ghost Node
- Crash on GameObject::IsActiveIgnoreImplicitPrefab when opening a specific project
- Default Input Action Asset creates unsaved changes when clicking on Button actions