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Rigidbody stays unstable if it is placed on top of another Rigidbody whi...
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open attached project "" 2. Open scene "Repro" 3. Run the scene 4. Notice that structure in the le... Read more
[Cloth] Surface penetration constraint for cloth doesn't work
How to reproduce: 1. Open attached project 2. Open scene bugreport.unity 3. Play the scene - Note how the cloth never passes throu... Read more
Inertia Tensor is not reset when a collider is removed
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open attached project 2. Open scene test.unity 3. Play the scene - Note the Inertia Tensor values in the top... Read more
Editor crash after setting max distance to cloth constraints and playing...
To reproduce: 1. Create a cloth 2. Select all Cloth Constraints 3. Click the Max distance checkbox 4. Pressed play 5. Editor will c... Read more
Bad textcoord index error after adding Cloth Component and entering play...
Steps to reproduce : - import the "Cloth_1.fbx" attached in the edit - add it to the scene - add the Cloth Component and press play... Read more
[Cloth] Adding cloth to an object throws multiple errors and added cloth...
To reproduce: 1. Open attached project 2. Select banner1 object 3. Add cloth component 4. Notice errors in console: get_skinIndex i... Read more
Cloth crashes the editor
To reproduce: - create a game object - add SkinnedMeshRenderer component - add a standard mesh to it (like sphere) - add cloth compo... Read more
Physics.queriesHitBackfaces does not work with Collider.Raycast
To reproduce: 1. Open attached project "". 2. Play "Raycast" scene. 3. Press left mouse button on the white squar... Read more
[HingeJoint] Intertia is gained when HingeJoints are connected into a chain
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open attached project "" 2. Open scene "Kettenglieder" 3. Run it 4. Stand under "Lampe" g... Read more
Request for more helpful NpShape::setFlag(s): triangle mesh and heightfi...
Request for more helpful NpShape::setFlag(s): triangle mesh and heightfield triggers error so people know what they need to change/f... Read more
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Latest issues
- [Android][iOS] The keyboard closes and re-opens when consecutive input fields are selected
- Complex Sub Graph connected to a Voronoi node is ignored when the shader gets applied as a Material
- Compute Shader property not set error when entering play mode with path tracing and PBR sky
- "WebGL Publish" detects WebGL module and allows building when it is installed without restarting the project
- Editor is non-responsive and flickers when multiple Water System instances are enabled