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[HDRP] Null error during DiffusionProfile migration
To reproduce simply import the attached asset. There will be an error in the console. Unity version: 2022.2.0a11.1682 HDRP: trunk o... Read more
[HDRP] Editor Rendering Debugger Avg, Mix, Max fields do not show any va...
Steps to reprdocue: 1. Create a new HDRP project 2. Enter playmode 3. Enter Rendering Debugger -> Display Stats 4. Observe no values... Read more
[HDRP] Sun lensflare incorrectly occluded in template
Version tested: 2022.2.0a13 + HDRP from trunk Steps to reproduce: 0) Create an HDRP template 1) Walk into the interior parts and l... Read more
[HDRP] Incorrectly allocated slots for Screen Space Shadows
Version tested: 2022.2.0a12 Steps to reproduce: 1) Open attached project, VFXShadowsTest scene 2) In HDRP set Max Screen Space Sha... Read more
Ray-traced shadows are not rendered when the HideFlags is set to DontSav...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached 'RTHideFlagsRepro' project 2. Open the 'OutdoorsScene' 3. Enter Play mode Expected result:... Read more
[HDRP] Errors are thrown when "Infinite" and "Under Water" options are s...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the user's attached "HDRP_2022-2_Testing" project 2. Select the "River" GameObject Expected result: No er... Read more
[HDRP][RTX] RTR does not seem to reflect what they should in a player
Repro steps : - Open attached project (HDRP template) - Open scene called "SampleScene" - Make sure that RTR shows the unity ball i... Read more
[HDRP][Metal] Test 8212 Full screen in HDRP_Test Project is failing
The test 8212 Full screen in HDRP_Test Project is failing is failing for the top left. Read more
[HDRP] Visual Environment Background clouds setting doesn't change when ...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the user's attached "BrokenCloudTypeOverride" project 2. Enter the Play Mode in the "OutdoorsScene" Scene ... Read more
[HDRP][Metal] 3D HDRP template produces warnings regarding potentially u...
Steps to reproduce: 1. Create a project with 3D HDRP template 2. Observe Console window Expected results: No errors or warnings on ... Read more
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- [Android][iOS] The keyboard closes and re-opens when consecutive input fields are selected
- Complex Sub Graph connected to a Voronoi node is ignored when the shader gets applied as a Material
- Compute Shader property not set error when entering play mode with path tracing and PBR sky
- "WebGL Publish" detects WebGL module and allows building when it is installed without restarting the project
- Editor is non-responsive and flickers when multiple Water System instances are enabled