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Audio is playing in Standalone Build even when Audio Listener is not pre...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached project("AudioSourceTest") 2. Build and Run Expected result: Audio Clip is not playing Actua... Read more
Crash in BuildAudioMixerConstant when undoing duplication of mixer group
To reproduce: 1. Create Audio Mixer 2. Add new group to Master group 3. Add another new group to the previous group (Group hierarc... Read more
AK::MemoryMgr::Term crash caused by trying to terminate Wwise audio engi...
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open "" project 2. Enter Playmode 3. Exit Playmode -Repeat steps 2&3 until the project crashes Note... Read more
[Audio] Asset Bundle loaded audio clip with "DontDestroyOnLoad" stops, w...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached project. 2. Play the "entry" scene. 3. Wait until scene changes to the "test1" scene(~5 se... Read more
'FMOD::Sound instance for resource.., An error that wasn't supposed to.C...
To reproduce: 1. Download attached '03_B_Video_2.wav' file 2. Create a new project 3. Import '03_B_Video_2.wav' Expected: no error... Read more
Crash in FMOD::MemPool::free when importing .xm, .mod or .s3m audio files
Importing .s3m, .mod or .xm audio files, crashes Unity To reproduce: 1.Open attached project 2.Import audio files into Assets folde... Read more
Editor crashes when lengthSec value in Microphone.Start() is near to 1'0...
To reproduce: 1. Open project 2. Open 'Main' scene 3. Play scene Expected: scene will be played Actual: editor crashes Reproduce... Read more
Microphone channels return 0 in Untiy 5.6 Beta
Reproduction Steps: 1. Import attached project. 2. Open "Test" scene. 3. Enter Play mode. 4. Observe console. Expected result: Cons... Read more
Crash on AudioManager::FixedUpdate when Starting Play mode after preview...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached project "" 2. Open the Timeline window 3. Select TL GameObject in the Hierarchy 4.... Read more
Volume rolloff mode is only changed after the audio listener is moved
Steps to reproduce: 1. Download and open the attached project 2. Enter Playmode 3. Change Volume Rolloff mode Expected result: 3d s... Read more
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- Incorrect Shader keyword activation for Shadows when no Light is present in URP
- Editor freezes when loading a specific AssetBundle
- WebGPU builds with Multithreading enabled crash on Safari
- Set as Value in UI Builder doesn't work across all properties.
- Reorderable ListView inside a ScrollView has a glitchy behavior when trying to reorder items