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Editor crashes after reimporting certain fbx file
How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached project "" 2. Find ThiefChar_001@1m_vault.fbx 3. Right mouse click and sele... Read more
[Unity Test Tools] Mono.Cecil error is thrown in Unity 5.2
To reproduce: 1. Create new project in Unity 5.2 2. Import "Unity Test Tools" asset from the asset store 3. Observe the error in the... Read more
[Models] .skp file throws errors on import and has some normals flipped
To reproduce: 1. Open attached project 2. Select the 06_14_3D-4 assets. It's a sketchup model. 3. Reimport the model 4. Notice the e... Read more
AudioImporter does not recognize renamed BlackBerry and Windows Store Ap...
Steps to reproduce: 1. Download attached project 2. Open scene main 3. Enter play mode. See reported exception: Unknown platform pas... Read more
[DllImport] When import Dll file via Unity package import, a duplicate D...
To reproduce this issue: 1. Open the attached project 2. It has Events.dll 3. Import 'UpdatedEventsDLLPackage' 4. Notice Events 1.d... Read more
astcenc.exe tool requires Redistributable Package x86 installed
Building Android project with ASTC texture compression generates error message: Failed to execute 'astcenc.exe' on computers which d... Read more
Cartoon Race Cars package meshes throw ImportFBX error
Steps to reproduce: 1. Download attached project or download whole package from asset store!/co... Read more
One text object renders in another when changing font's Character from C...
To reproduce this bug: 1. Open the attached project 2. Open 'test' scene 3. Make sure both text fields have 'a' letter inside them ... Read more
Unity crashes on package import
To reproduce: 1. Import Maintainer_1.2.0.0_alpha1.unitypackage 2. Editor crashes (if it doesn't crash first time importing package,... Read more
Assembly-CSharp-firstpass.dll recompiled on saving a script that does no...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open project I attached (; 2. Open ScriptAssemblies folder in project files. Notice... Read more
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- [iOS] "UnityBatchPlayerLoop()" causes a freeze in the iOS application when it is put to the background and brought back to the foreground
- "Perform Selected" of Shortcut Manager window does not perform the shortcut in some cases
- Crash on mono_get_hazardous_pointer when running Play Mode tests in a specific project
- [iOS] ‘확인’(Done) and '취소'(Cancel) text is displayed as '...' in the on-screen keyboard when the System preferred language is set to Korean
- [sw-unity-6-1] Shadergraph panning area size is constant regardless of the size or the zoom level