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Imported asset removes all previously selected scenes in 'Scenes in Buil...
1. Create and save several scenes in your project 2. Add them into 'Scenes in Build' list in any order (go File -> Build Settings)... Read more
[Asset Import] Adding an assembly file in the asset directory not via un...
- Launch the project in unity - Open the assets folder in the local disk - Copy the assembly file (sonicbloom.dll) and paste a copy... Read more
Unity fails to import .blend when Blender 2.77 is installed (Windows Only)
Steps to reproduce: 1. Install Blender 2.77 ( 2. Open blender and save... Read more
[Plugin] Native Plugins using .bundle files are not recognised by the Ed...
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open attached project 2. Go to Plugins/iOS/64 Bit Plugins directory 3. Click on the .bundle plugin file 4. N... Read more
Folder which contains ".Framework" in its name doesn't import DLL files
Steps to reproduce: 1. Download and open attached project "Folder" 2. Notice in project browser that is folder called "Plugi... Read more
Unity fails to find files in the cache server that were just uploaded
Problem 1 Modifying importer settings that are also being set by Asset Processors produces false cache misses and inconsistent beha... Read more
[TextureImport] Importing large HDR cubemaps uses a lot of memory, crash...
TLDR: importing 15000x7500 HDR file into a 4096x4096 cubemap uses 9.2GB of memory during the import process. Steps to reproduce: 1... Read more
Deleted DLL in use from Plugins during runtime only removes the meta fil...
Steps to reproduce: 1. Download and open attached project "New Unity Project" 2. Open scene "Main" and play it 3. In Project ... Read more
Crash on fxShader_JPEG_DECODE_SSE2 when loading the project
To reproduce the issue follow the steps: 1) Open user attached project 2) Observe project loading progress 3) Crash should occur R... Read more
[DLL] Crash when Native DLL array goes out of bounds
Steps to reproduce: 1. Download and open attached project "New Unity Project" 2. Open and play scene "main" Actual result: C... Read more
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Latest issues
- "Process VFXCamera Command" column is displayed in the "Render Graph Viewer" when there are no VFX in the Scene
- [Performance] Vulkan performing much worse than OpenGLES due to excessive buffer copies on Quest 2/3
- An error 'AssertionException: Assertion failure. Value was False' is displayed in the Console when maximizing or unmaximizing the UI Builder
- Asset Database warning is being logged continuously when creating a script in an embedded package
- Build process only shows Initializing when building for Android