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Crash on GetAllScenePathsFromAssetBundle when calling UnityWebRequestAss...
How to reproduce: 1. Open attached Unity project "ReproProject" 2. Load "MainFarmScene" scene 3. Turn on the Play mode Expected res... Read more
Native Pipeline API does not rebuild the Bundles when the same output fo...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached project from "" 2. Navigate to "Bundles" > "Build Native" 3. Then navigate to ... Read more
Tags are changed to Untagged when loading an Adressable/AssetBundle scen...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached project 2. Open SampleScene 3. Click Play 4. Focus out of the Editor window 5. Click Load in ... Read more
TransformVerticesInnerLoop<1,0,0> crashes when using Asset Bundles that ...
To reproduce: 1. Download attached project “" and open in Unity 2. Select Bundle > Output to output the Bundle ... Read more
Long loading times occur when using AssetBundle.LoadAllAssets
Repro Steps: 1. Open "SampleScene" in the attached project 2. Press Play 3. After about 50 seconds - check the console logs Expecte... Read more
[iOS] Asset Bundle build causes "Could not produce class with ID ..." er...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached project "New Unity Project"; 2. Open the aaa.unity scene; 3. Build the asset bundles of thi... Read more
Editor freezes when viewing/building asset bundles if a custom font is u...
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open the attached project 2. Open the Test_Scene 3. "New Text" GO/Text Mesh component -> change Font to Aveni... Read more
Building gameObject into AssetBundle changes its transform rotation
To reproduce: 1. Download attached project "" and open in Unity 2. Open "SampleScene" scene 3. Click Window > Asse... Read more
[AsmDef] Asset Bundles can't find referenced scripts from Assembly Defin...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open "Test" Project 2. Open "Scene1-Loader" scene 3. Enter Play mode 4. Notice that the Blue Cub... Read more
Unity doesn't close for long time after performing Android APK/AAB Builds
How to reproduce it: 1. Open the attached project "New Unity" 2. Build it for Android 3. Close Unity 4. Notice Unity s... Read more
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Latest issues
- Memory leak when a lot of UI elements are spawned and despawned
- Warnings are not logged in the Console window when using external code analyzers
- Errors “TLS Allocator ALLOC_TEMP_TLS, underlying allocator ALLOC_TEMP_MAIN has unfreed allocations, size 288“ appear constantly when Prefab is open
- Crash on PPtr<Shader>::operator or NullException errors spammed in console when calling Dispose() on null GraphicsBuffer with baked Reflection Probes
- “EndRenderPass: Not inside a Renderpass” and other Render Graph errors in the Player when Render Graph is enabled and Overlay UI is used