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Transition destination context menu is inconsistent
Transition destination context menu is inconsistent Repro: See the attached video. Depending on the structure of the destination s... Read more
AnimationEvent.animatorStateInfo.fullPathHash doesn't return unique hash
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open user attached project 2. Open bug.unity scene 3. Play the scene 4. Select one button to switch a layer, ... Read more
[Playables] SetOverrideLoopTime in AnimationClipPlayable doesn't work wh...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open attached Project "Loop Bug" 2. Open the scene "Assets/AnimEvent/Assets/Scenes/SampleScene" 3. Open the T... Read more
[LowHangingFruit] [IMGUI] 'Solo' and 'Mute' Transitions checkbox positio...
In Animator window, After making a transition between StateMachine and New State, In the inspector window 'Solo' and 'Mute' Transiti... Read more
[Humanoid] Animation twisting during transition in the game view, when a...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open attached project. 2. Open and play "TestScene". 3. Cling on the "Trigger" button. 4. Notice, that animat... Read more
Animator Controller animations are overwritten by Timeline when using Av...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open user's attached project "ItemAbilityTesting" and "SampleScene" 2. Enter Play Mode 3. In the Hierarchy, s... Read more
After previewing Generic animation humanoid animations preview doesn't work
How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached project 2. Open Berserker(Ieva) scene 3. Select transition from Idle to Intro and preview the... Read more
Error on deleting layer in Animator Controller
Error on deleting layer in Animator Controller 2) How can we reproduce it using the example you attached 1 Create new project 2 Cre... Read more
[Mecanim] Animation's Curves flicker between each other
How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached project "" (It has .fbx file imported with Animation) 2. Select Piter in t... Read more
Animator.Update CPU time spikes when multiple animations are playing
Steps to reproduce: 1. Download and open "Character with animation" scene 2. Enter play mode with open Profiler 3.... Read more
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- "Problem detected while importing the Prefab file" errors on Learning Templates import
- Crash on RaiseException during Socket.BeginConnect in Player when application connection is blocked through commercial firewall
- Decal Projector produces artifacts when the normal and decal are projected in negative z-direction and Normal Blend is set to 1
- Undoing slider field change only resets slider position, doesn't undo the value change
- Precision changes when a tangent is added to a Vertex node