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Can't animate color value of materials
In the animation window it is possible to enter a new value for any of the rgba channels and the curve changes appropriately, howeve... Read more
Overridden virtual functions cannot be used as Animation events
To Reproduce: 1.Write an overridden virtual function just like Event4() in Arrow.cs and ArrowBase.cs, in the attached project. 2. ... Read more
Changing Animator.runtimeAnimatorController while running crashes editor
To reproduce: 1. Open project, open scene "test", press "Load animation" button. Notice nothing happens. 2. Uncomment line 40 in Run... Read more
Texture offset properties
To reproduce: 1. Open the project I've attached 2. Click on the cube 3. Open the animation window 4. See that a curve is in red. St... Read more
Animations have a small twitch at the end and beginning
To reproduce: 1. Download and open: 2. Open scene Tutorial-done 3. Enter play mode 4. ... Read more
Animation starts glitching when the Animation transitions to the next State
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached project 2. Open "Assets/Scenes/Mocap.unity" Scene 3. Enter Play Mode 4. Observe the Animati... Read more
Crash on Component_Get_Custom_PropGameObject when exiting Play mode
How to reproduce: 1. Open the user's attached project 2. Move the Animator tab near the Project and Console tabs 3. Select "NPC" -> ... Read more
Performance cost of looping animations increases over time
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open the attached "" project 2. Open SampleScene in Assets > Scenes 3. In ... Read more
InvalidOperationException is thrown when undoing changes while Animator ...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached 'Test' project 2. Go to the 'Window -> Animation -> Animator' 3. Perform any undo action (c... Read more
Animation Event string value disappears when renaming the function
How to reproduce: 1. Open the user attached "" project 2. Select "AGIA_Layer_swinging_body_01.fbx" in the Pro... Read more
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- Input from the "Backslash" key is not detected in the Web Player when using the Japanese 106/109 key keyboard
- High "Total" value of the "TerrainManager.CullAllTerrains" when generating terrain
- UI Layout rebuild triggered by a rounding error when using TextMesh Pro
- Sprite Shape Corners and Edges are invisible when a closed Sprite Shape is used
- Script icon Gizmos cause lag/performance issues in Scene view even when the Scene Camera is not pointed at Gizmos