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Overlapping issues when using Sprite Atlas
How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached project "1523411 Atlases dont appear to be respecting" 2. Enter Play Mode Ex... Read more
Editor.log isn't created when the Editor is ran from a command line with...
Reproduction steps: # Delete the “Editor.log” file located in the “%AppData%\Local\Unity\Editor” folder # Run the attached proje... Read more
“Camera Fade” block disappears but remains applied when “Sample Mode” is...
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open the “Unity_Bugs-2” project 2. Open the “Unity_Bug” Scene (Assets → Scenes) 3. Open “Waterfall_Particl... Read more
Crash on GameObject::ActivateAwakeRecursivelyInternal when opening the S...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached project “SceneCrash” 2. Open “MainGameScene_Landscape” Scene Expected result: The Scen... Read more
OnPostprocessAllAssets called multiple times when creating several assets
Reproduction steps: # Open the attached “” project # Select the “/Assets/Prefabs” folder in the Project windo... Read more
Lightmap GI Alpha Clipping undocumented, inconsistent and not fully func...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached project “LightmapBug” 2. Open “Assets/TestScene” Scene 3. Open Window → Rendering → Ligh... Read more
IL2CPP build crashes when capturing memory snapshot
Reproduction steps: # Open the attached project “BuildCrash“ # Press File>Build And Run # Press Window>Analysis>Memory Profiler... Read more
Root Motion character warps into a new position when negative speed valu...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the users attached project “GameKitController-blendTree-test” 2. Open the Scene “Objectives System Dem... Read more
[URP] Exceeding the platform's supported light limit gives shadow distor...
Steps to reproduce: 1) Download attached project and open in Unity 2) Open the scene "SampleScene" 3) Go to Build Settings,... Read more
Player crash when opening the Player build
colored textReproduction steps: 1. Open the attached “CrashRepro” project 2. Click File > Build and Run Expected result: Player... Read more
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- "Draw Additional Lights Shadowmap" calls increase when custom MaterialBlockProperty is used
- Crash on _platform_memmove when importing the "Dragon Crashers - URP 2D Sample Project" to a new 2D project
- "Shader is not supported on this GPU" warnings and and shaders are not loading when building the project for non-Chromium browsers
- [iOS][URP] The screen flickers and the "Execution of the command buffer was aborted due to an error during execution" error is thrown continuously
- Shortcut Manager shows empty conflict filter when resolving runtime conflicts involving different contexts