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Clicking outside the Editor window hides all Unity dialogs
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open any unity project or just create a new one 2. Go to Edit -> Preferences 3. Split 2 windows among one mon... Read more
Animator's States start to flicker in Playmode, if Animator window is to...
To reproduce: 1. Open attached project "" 2. Open Test scene and press play. 3. Select "Cube" in the Hierarchy. 4. Op... Read more
[SPS | Post FX] Single-Pass Stereo with Motion Blur or TAA causes double...
This is a situation where double-vision occurs on VR systems when either Motion Blur or Temporal Anti-Aliasing are used and Single-P... Read more
IL2CPP crashes when two non-existing methods with same declaring types a...
IL2CPP crashes when two non-existing methods with same declaring types and parameter counts are referenced from a DLL with this call... Read more
worldPos not set in standard shader if SHADER_API_D3D11 is defined
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached project 2. Make sure D3D9 is target graphics API 3. Observe the scene 4. Change target gra... Read more
Crash in MonoScript::BelongsToEditorCompatibleAssembly when closing Unity
Reproduction Steps: 1. Import attached project. 2. Wait until all jobs are done. 3. Close Unity. Result: Unity crashes. Stack trac... Read more
Unity hangs when trying to preview a model
To reproduce: 1. Create new unity project 2. Import users attached model "geodome_interior_destroyed.fbx" 3. After importing click o... Read more
Stencil 'Comp' operation is ignored when shader is used with SpriteRenderer
Repro steps: 1. Open "SpriteStencilBug" projects "Main" scene 2. Look at "UnlitStencilSprite" and "UnlitStencilMesh" in the Hierarc... Read more
Any State transitions to Sub State Machines ignore Interruption Source
To reproduce: 1. Open 'Simpler AnyState Interrupt Bug' project 2. Play the scene. 3. Select the gameobject and open the Animator win... Read more
Unity crashes when reverting factory settings in layout menu
To reproduce: 1. Create Unity project 2. Open Layout drop-down and click revert factory settings 3. Repeat step 2 three times Expec... Read more
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Latest issues
- Mistakes in multiple Particle System Components pop-up
- Hovering on the Particle System Controls shows an offset tooltip with the overlay window name
- Inconsistent UI hover colour with poor contrast in VFX Graph window
- Lights with Cookies generate Cookie Atlas and increase Memory usage every time when Play mode is entered
- Crash on mono_traverse_object_internal when exiting Play mode on a specific project