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Editor crashes if there are too many scripts loaded
Reproduction steps: 1. Open a Project with many scripts Expected Result: Project imports and opens Actual Result: Editor crashes o... Read more
[iOS][Vuforia] Background Video plays upside on iPads down after Applica...
Steps: 1. Build and Run project from ownCloud on iPad Pro 2. On device: click button "Load" 3. Click Home button 4. Open multitaskin... Read more
Crash on memset when passing integer instead of array to NativeArray con...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached project 2. Open the "Main.unity" scene 3. Press Play 4. If Unity didn't crash, wait a bit Ac... Read more
Editor notification text's last word is cut off at certain window sizes
Steps to reproduce: 1. Download attached project 2. Select Tools > Notification Test 3. Slowly change the Scene window size Expect... Read more
CustomPropertyDrawer with a lot of entries breaks text rendering
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open user OC attached project 2. Select the scriptableObject 'InininCase_00' 3. Scroll till the first element... Read more
[Android][VideoPlayer] Frames don't change and frameReady events aren't ...
Repro steps: 1. Open user attached project 2. Build and Run on Android 3. Download any video 4. "Prepare Video" 5. "Seek" The frame... Read more
Upgrading a project from 2018.1 and below to 2019.1.0a9 fails with "pare...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open "" project Expected Result: The project opens Actual Result: The Editor ... Read more
[Windows] Application.targetFramerate is ignored when Time.captureFrameR...
If Time.captureFrameRate is set to > 0 in GenLockSync class, the actual frame time is as fast as possible, ignoring the targetFrameR... Read more
TestRunner assertions in OneTimeTearDown do not fail the test
Steps to reproduce: 1. open attached project 2. open testrunner window 3. run editmode tests Actual: test are passing Expected: tes... Read more
SetResolution fullscreen parameter does not work on Linux
To reproduce: 1) Open attached project and scene 2) Build and run it for Linux 3) Notice it has opened as non-full screen 1024*780 w... Read more
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Latest issues
- AsyncReadManager.GetFileInfo fails to get files when they were created during runtime.
- UI elements are not visible on certain X-axis positions when the rotation of the Y-axis is 90 (or -90) degrees
- Crash on __pthread_kill when initializing Vuplex WebView while entering the Play Mode
- Crash on FindSurface when adding a custom Renderer Feature to a 2D Renderer Data Asset
- [Android] [Vulkan] [UI Toolkit] Application crashes when the device is rotated when it has UI Toolkit TextField on Vulkan devices