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Crash when encoding a 24 bit, 96 kHz audio file
Could reproduce in 3.5.6f4 and 4.0.0b12 (b6f69b69a8be) To reproduce in 3.5.6f4: - Import the the attached audio file - Select the a... Read more
Documentation for OnDrawGizmos needs to be updated
The OnDrawGizmos documentation needs to be updated - it currently states: "Implement this OnDrawGizmos if you want to draw gizmos th... Read more
Add Component menu is very slow
Add Component menu is very slow, when a game object has many sub assets. Could only reproduce this behaviour on Mac 10.6 and 10.7 T... Read more
Item names are formatted in an unexpected way in the pop-up for EditorGU...
Steps to reproduce : - open the scene "Test" - click on Waypoint Manager - in the inspector open the drop down menu - notice that w... Read more
Tooltip position on mouse over does not disapear when scrolling
Steps to reproduce : - create a new project - on the main camera add multiple components so you will get the scroll bar - mouse ove... Read more
Incorrect layout load (or save?) when using 2 monitors with different sizes
Steps to reproduce : - use an external monitor with the native resolution of 1280x1024, 4:3 format - set the primary monitor's reso... Read more
32x32 icon doesn't look correct on OS X
To reproduce: 1. Open the attached project and open Player Settings>Standalone>Icon 2. Note that the default icon is a PSD (for me i... Read more
Shaking GUI.BeginScrollView area if viewRect < position and alwaysShowVe...
To reproduce: 1. Open project Unity355Test 2. Open TestScene 3. Attach MyUI script to an object 4. Run or Drop this GUI into a scen... Read more
In case shift is pressed Event.current.shift not always returns true
In case shift is pressed Event.current.shift not always returns true, if run not in Editor 1. Open attached project 2. Build it fo... Read more
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- [IL2CPP-GarbageCollector] Changing GCMode might permanently disable GC in a multithreaded context
- Crash on invalid_parameter_internal when starting Standalone Profiler
- UI Toolkit buttons stop receiving inputs when entering the new Scene while holding a button during Scene change
- VFX Graph tooltips have a double line on the bottom side
- TMP font size is "-99" by default when TMP Resources are not loaded