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Errors thrown when loading a new Scene on Awake, then returning to the s...
To reproduce: 1. Open attached project 2. Open Scene1 3. Press play 4. Notice the errors about Missing Reference Exception with a... Read more
InputField breaks when used with BestFit and Canvas scaleFactor
To reproduce this bug: 1. Open the attached project 2. Open BasicScene 3. Observe canvas has scaleFactor set to 4 (via SetCanvasSca... Read more
Grid Layout Group not working on playback
To reproduce this bug: 1. Import the attached package 2. Open 'MainMenu' scene 3. Notice in the scene/game view that everything loo... Read more
Objects does not appear in mask if the Canvas GameObject is rotate more ...
To reproduce: 1. Open attached project 2. Open Test scene 3. Press play 4. Notice that buttons are invisible 5. Set Canvas Y Rotati... Read more
Physics2D.RaycastAll don't calculate hit for CircleCollider2D if distanc...
To reproduce this bug: 1. Open the attached project 2. Open 'test' scene 3. Press play 4. Notice in the console that only RaycCaste... Read more
unsupported image effects
-e: several of the standard image effects are not supported on WebGL WebGL's issue or ours? -repro: --build test scene of attached ... Read more
Text with Content Size Fitter goes up (instead of going down) when new l...
To reproduce: 1. Open attached project 2. Open default scene 3. Press play 4. Select Text game object 5. Enter several lines of t... Read more
RaycastHit2D.distance shows wrong value when using Vector2.up
To reproduce this bug: 1. Open the attached project 2. Open 'RaycastHit2D' scene 3. It has a 'RayOrigin' object which casts ray and... Read more
Unity 5.0 takes longer at building scenes with thousands of empty gameob...
To reproduce: 1. Open attached project 2. Add the target to the build settings. 3. Build. This takes about 5 minutes or more. (Build... Read more
Anchors and positions are disabled from RectTransform until ContentSizeF...
To reproduce: 1. Open attached project 2. Open default scene 3. Select Text object (ProblemPanel2 -> Text) 4. Notice that Anchors a... Read more
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Latest issues
- Incorrect Shader keyword activation for Shadows when no Light is present in URP
- Editor freezes when loading a specific AssetBundle
- WebGPU builds with Multithreading enabled crash on Safari
- Set as Value in UI Builder doesn't work across all properties.
- Reorderable ListView inside a ScrollView has a glitchy behavior when trying to reorder items