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"unity_WorldToObject" is not the inverse of "unity_ObjectToWorld" when a...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the user's attached project "" 2. Load the Scene "MatrixBug" 3. In the Hierarchy select the "... Read more
Scene icon in the Project window changes its theme to the opposite of th...
How to reproduce: 1. Create a new project 2. In the Project window open the Assets/Scenes folder 3. Open the General Preferences (Ed... Read more
Particle Shape Clip Threshold does not affect emitted particle count
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached "" project 2. Open the "SampleScene" Scene 3. In the Hierarchy, select the "Spar... Read more
[Linux] [Input System] PressAndRelease Trigger Behavior causes unexpecte...
Reproduction steps: 1. Download and open the attached project: "" 2. Enter Play Mode 3. Move the player cha... Read more
Unity Shader Compiler Task process have high CPU usage when installing H...
Reproduction steps: 1. Create new 3D project 2. Open Scene "SampleScene" from Project tab 3. Open your Task Manager 4. Open Package ... Read more
Graphical artifacts when rendering Terrain in Shaded Wireframe mode
How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached project "" 2. Open the "SampleScene" Scene 3. Switch Shading Mode to Shaded W... Read more
[Lightprobes][Gizmos] Yellow light probe selection gizmos overwrite visu...
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open the attached repro project 2. Open "Sample Scene" 3. In the Workflow settings of the Lighting window, s... Read more
[Overlays] Resizing Scene View hide floating overlays
1. Use 2021.2 version 2. Have some floating overlay (undock existing ones for test) 3. Take left of top side of scene view to resize... Read more
AssetBundle does not update when only the path of the file is modified
How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached project "reproProject" 2. Select Tools/First Build 3. In the File Explorer, navigate to %Proj... Read more
UnityLinker enable logging does not work when path doesn't already exist
Reproduction steps: 1. Open user attached Solution 2. Change Path variable accordingly 3. Run All Tests Expected result: The Tests ... Read more
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- OnPostprocessAllAssets() is not called for a modified Prefab when another Asset is set Dirty in the same callback
- [Android] UIToolkit ClickEvent is fired when the device is rotated
- Compilation errors occur when "uintBitsToFloat(int)" gets used in OpenGLES
- User Reporting does not send reports when Managed Stripping Level is set to Low or higher
- Editor crashes and a window with "GetManagerFromContext: pointer to object of manager 'MonoManager' is NULL (table index 5)" error is thrown when launching a project with a corrupted library