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Transparent black image when rendering in Linear Rendering mode
Steps to reproduce: 1) Download attached project "" and open in Unity. 2) Open scene "scene".... Read more
Initializing const with non constant variables throws error message but ...
1. Open my attached project 2. Open bug.unity scene. Notice Unhnandled exception error message popping in console. 3. Try to doub... Read more
[Retina] Poor Text quality on Retina display using non-native Screen Res...
Reproduction Steps: 1. Open User's project 2. Make builds resizable (PlayerSettings > Resizable Windows) 3. You can use Default Scre... Read more
[Editor][Regression] 'String too long for TextMeshGenerator' is thrown a...
Steps to repro: 1. Open Unity 5.4.0b25; 2. Create new project or open existing one; 3. Choose Help -> About Unity; 4. Observe the C... Read more
Render to texture canvas not rendered when Game view is not open
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached project 2. Open the available scene 3. Play scene 4. Have both Scene and Game views open 5.... Read more
Undoing HideFlags change recorded using Undo.RegisterCompleteObjectUndo ...
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open attached project 2. Open 'TestScene' 3. Select 'Hide Flag Test Object' 4. Turn on 'NotEditable' flag 5.... Read more
Graph display does not match actual animation when Quaternion Interpolat...
Steps to reproduce: 1. Extract "" project which was sent by user 2. Open "CurveTest" project and "Scene1" scene 3. Open... Read more
JsonUtility.FromJson crashes if type has a singular field where data con...
JsonUtility.FromJson will crash if the type specifies a singular (i.e. non-array/non-List<T>) field, but the JSON data for that fiel... Read more
Small offset when setting values of Rect Transform
Reproduction steps: ----------------------------- 1) Create a new project 2) Create a UI Panel object 3) In its Rect Transform set t... Read more
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- Lights with Cookies generate Cookie Atlas and increase Memory usage every time when Play mode is entered
- Crash on mono_traverse_object_internal when exiting Play mode on a specific project
- Camera prefab shows up in overrides after upgrade when game view is changed to Simulator
- Prefab Override context menu does not appear when changing attributes on a Terrain Component
- Particles are visible through Mesh when Sprite-Lit-Default Material is used