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The "Edit Collider" icon is not displayed when using more than one colli...
Reproduction steps: 1. Create a new project 2. Import the attached prefab “Prefab“ 3. Select the imported prefab 4. In the Inspecto... Read more
Input.mousePosition flickers in the Game view while in the Play mode whe...
Reproduction steps: # Open the “EditorFullscreenMousePositionBug“ project # Open the “EditorFullscreenBug” scene # In the Game ... Read more
Crash on CachedWriter::Write when building a project that has access to ...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached “repro-project” 2. Build the project Expected result: Build completed with a result of... Read more
[Android] Application name with an ampersand is removed and replaced wit...
Steps to reproduce: 1. Create a new project and name it "Test&Test1" 2. Open the project in 2021.3.15f1 3. Switch to Android Plat... Read more
Created Import Issue Asset doesn't show up in the Project window until t...
Reproduction steps: # Open the attached “” project # Select ImportTest > CreateIssueFile in the Toolbar # Obser... Read more
Reimporting a Scripted Importer Asset when Profiler is recording will ma...
Reproduction steps: # Open the attached “” project # Select the “LogAssetStatus” GameObject in the Hierarchy win... Read more
Dropdown menu covers the button when there is no space for it from below
How to reproduce: 1. Create a new project 2. Open Project Settings → Editor 3. Move the Project Settings tab to the bottom of the sc... Read more
[Android] VideoPlayer stuck on some devices
How to reproduce it: 1. Open the attached project "" 2. Build and Run it on Android 3. Observe the video in an app ... Read more
Copy-pasting material properties between different materials throws exce...
This is a regression from: [] Steps to reproduce: * Add TMP ... Read more
[iOS] Concurrent downloads have become slower when using UnityWebRequest
How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached project "" on 2019.2.7f2 or lower 2. Build and Run the Scene "bundledownl... Read more
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Latest issues
- Articulation Body with 'Revolute' Joint Type has erratic behavior when Upper Limit is set to above 360
- WebGL Player fails to render Scene when Terrain with Detail Mesh is added and WebGPU Graphics API is used
- Inconsistent errors are logged when different types are passed into the Query "Q<>" method in UIToolkit and the ancestor VisualElement is null
- Crash on GetMaterialPropertyByIndex when opening a specific Scene
- Discrepancies in the styling are present when using a TSS file instead of a USS file in custom EditorWindow