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TMP InputField initial text gets cut off when using Vertical Layout Grou...
How to reproduce: 1. Create a new project 2. Import the attached 'TestVerticalLayoutScene.unitypackage' 3. Open the Scene 'TestScene... Read more
[Text Mesh Pro] NullRef exception raised while creating a prefab out of ...
Text Mesh Pro package "Version 3.0.0-preview.12 - May 11, 2020" Steps: 1. Import Text Mesh Pro essentials 2. Load "10 - Bullets & ... Read more
[TextMeshPro] Selectable object memory leak when TMP_Dropdown is disable...
How to reproduce: 1. Open attached project "" 2. In the Project window, go to Assets > Scenes and ... Read more
[iOS][TMP] VoiceOver double-tap interaction breaks a few words written i...
How to reproduce: 1. Enable Voice Over on your device 2. Open the attached project 3. Build for iOS and deploy th... Read more
[mobile]TextMeshPro input field keyboard does not open when the Input fi...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached "case_1249762-InputFieldTestProject (1)" project 2. Build for iOS and deploy the Xcode proje... Read more
TextMeshPro text doesn't show up when importing from a custom package
Reproduction steps: 1. Create an empty project 2. Import Input System package 3. Import the user's attached Unity package 4. Open th... Read more
[TMP][Vulkan]Memory consumption is around 1GB(expected around 250 MB) wh...
1. Open the user's attached project "TextMesh Pro - Unity Trunk (Production).zip" 2. Navigate to Project-> Assets and click on the T... Read more
NullReferenceException is thrown when editing the Name of a Sprite in a ...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached 'TestProject-2020.3' project 2. Observe the 'Assets/TextMesh Pro/Resources/Sprite Assets/Sp... Read more
[TMP] "Array element out of bounds" exception thrown on creating TMP Sty...
After resetting TMP StyleSheet, On creating TMP StyleSheet field "Array element out of bounds" exception is thrown refer to the atta... Read more
[TMP]Input value for the Margins is not changing when a mouse is dragged...
On dragging the mouse cursor over the input field of "Margins(Left, Top, Right, Bottom)" properties don't change its value under "Ex... Read more
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- Complex Sub Graph connected to a Voronoi node is ignored when the shader gets applied as a Material
- Compute Shader property not set error when entering play mode with path tracing and PBR sky
- "WebGL Publish" detects WebGL module and allows building when it is installed without restarting the project
- Editor is non-responsive and flickers when multiple Water System instances are enabled
- Texture2D.PackTextures causes mips 7-9 to turn pink when packed textures are of ASTC 4x4 compression