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Cannot rebuild exported VS2013 WindowsStore project twice
Reproducible on 4.5f1, 4.5f2, 4.5f3, 4.5f4, 4.5f5; Repro steps: 1. Create new project; 2. In build settings set WSA platform and ti... Read more
[WSA] Two WSA plugins sharing same placeholder produces "GetFileByPath(f...
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open attached project 2. Add "main" scene to build settings 3. Build WSA Universal 8.1 SDK 4. Error is printe... Read more
[UWP] Visual Studio fails to generate package when using IL2CPP scriptin...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open any project and build with IL2CPP 2. Open the generated solution and try to generate a package (Solutio... Read more
[UWP] Virtual keyboard doesn't open on Surface in tablet mode
Reproduced on 5.2, 5.3; Repro steps: 1. open attached project ""; 2. build to Universal 10 and deploy on Surface 3; 3. S... Read more
Incorrect Pre-Build event command line on Universal build
Reproducible on 4.6.0f1, 4.6.1f1, 4.6.3f1; Visual Studio solution created by Unity after the Windows Store Universal 8.1 build from... Read more
Editor's console unable to display unicode characters
Building to Universal Windows Platform, when pc has Windows 10 Japanese version (display language: Japanese), errors in editor's con... Read more
[WP10][UWP] Virtual keyboard's input doesn't work
Repgression in 5.2.1p2; Repro steps: 1. open attached project ""; 2. build to Universal 10 and deploy on Windows Phone 1... Read more
[WSA] Anti Aliasing does't work on Windows Store Apps
Anti Aliasing doesn't work on Win Store Apps. Reproducible on 4.3.4f1, 4.5.0, 4.5.1, 5.0.0 versions; Repro steps: 1. Open new proje... Read more
Inconsistency between WP8 and WSA/WP8.1 project Temp folder
Steps to reproduce: 1. Build any project to WP8, don't close the editor. 2. Build any other project to WSA/WP8.1, don't close the ed... Read more
[UWP] STARTPROCESSTASK Out of Memory when building Master x86 build
To reproduce: 1. Open project attached by the user 2. Switch to Windows Store Platform UWP build type - XAML 3. Open Tools->Configur... Read more
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- URP Cascaded Shadows do not have a falloff in Player when the Player is built not in Development Mode
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- WebGPU Graphics.RenderPrimitives fails on MeshTopology.Quads with Validation errors when exceeding 64k vertices
- Task status is "WaitingForActivation" when awaiting a faulted task inside that task
- 0 is returned when any output from Split Node is input into the Lerp Node