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JsonUtility.ToJson() crashes when serializing objects which have arrays ...
Workaround: add a public int variable as the first field of that object. For example: [Serializable] class CrashingClass { publ... Read more
[UWP][WP8.1]Accelerometer Events do not work
To reproduce: 1. Build and run attached project 2. Notice ArgumentExceptions Regression from 5.2.5f1 Reproducible with 5.3.1f1, 5.... Read more
[WSA] WWW.responseHeaders drop some HTTP headers
Reproduced on 5.2.5f1, 5.3.5p2, 5.4.0b21. Works fine on Windows Standalone. Repro steps: 1. open project "". 2. play the... Read more
[UWP] Crash with .NET Native when exception is thrown from native code
Reproduction steps: 1. Build & run the attached project with Master configuration to x86 architecture 2. It will immediately trigge... Read more
[WSA] Player Settings have 7 options for splash screen while Visual Stud...
Editor's options: Visual Studio options: Read more
Windows Store builds get UnauthorizedAccessException error when try to c...
When trying to create directory with Directory.CreateDirectory on Windows Store app build, "UnauthorizedAccessException" is thrown. ... Read more
[WSA] Fullscreen Movie Player has no Exit button
On Store Apps impossible to stop movie, when launched Handheld.PlayFullScreenMovie(). You have to wait till movie finishes to play. ... Read more
[WP8.1][WP10] SystemInfo.supportsVibration return incorrect value
To reproduce: 1. Build and run attached project 2. Notice that SystemInfo.supportsVibration returns false 3. Press vibrate button 4... Read more
[WSA][Backport] scene starts with Unity splash screen
On Unity 5.3 UWP and WSA platforms, there are three splash screens. The third one is Unity splash screen, which starts at the same t... Read more
[WP8.1][WP10] Exception thrown: 'System.FormatException' in
To reproduce: 1. Build and run project 2. Notice " Exception thrown: 'System.FormatException' in" in console Repro... Read more
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- URP Cascaded Shadows do not have a falloff in Player when the Player is built not in Development Mode
- Grid in animation preview window is rendered on top of the object
- WebGPU Graphics.RenderPrimitives fails on MeshTopology.Quads with Validation errors when exceeding 64k vertices
- Task status is "WaitingForActivation" when awaiting a faulted task inside that task
- 0 is returned when any output from Split Node is input into the Lerp Node